This promo only apply towards travelers who book through Navan (a Corporate travel business).
It may or may not give people who register Silver status, which is meaningless. To earn Gold, travelers will need to book travel via Navan (typically corporate travelers who use Navan for travel).
Everyone else who registered and book Hilton stays on their own or any other means, will not be eligible to earn Gold.
expired Posted by aznassassin78687 • Jan 4, 2024
Jan 4, 2024 10:34 PM
Item 1 of 2
Item 1 of 2
expired Posted by aznassassin78687 • Jan 4, 2024
Jan 4, 2024 10:34 PM
Hilton Honors Silver Status
(Through April 29, 2024) & MoreFree
Hilton Hotels
Visit Hilton HotelsGood Deal
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Top Comments
Generally, rewards programs aside, I think Hilton excels at the lower levels (Hamptons, Homewoods, etc) versus Marriott and Hyatt. Their brands are really consistent, hotels are generally well kept, etc. At the higher levels, think LXR, Curio, Conrad, etc... Hilton almost always disappoints me. The hotels in this range are either really tired, have borderline service, or are new-ish with impressive lobbies but cheap-o rooms that were slapped together.
I went to Hyatt and I haven't looked back. Totally get that doesn't work for everyone given their footprint, but it has worked for me.
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Our community has rated this post as helpful. If you agree, why not thank superslickz
I have never seen navan website when booking directly through Hilton before.
Our community has rated this post as helpful. If you agree, why not thank mdng
As it relates to this deal, silver kind of useless. I got gold status for owning a $100 cc, but haven't even stayed one night at Hilton yet so not sure how good that status really is.
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Our community has rated this post as helpful. If you agree, why not thank sullim4
Generally, rewards programs aside, I think Hilton excels at the lower levels (Hamptons, Homewoods, etc) versus Marriott and Hyatt. Their brands are really consistent, hotels are generally well kept, etc. At the higher levels, think LXR, Curio, Conrad, etc... Hilton almost always disappoints me. The hotels in this range are either really tired, have borderline service, or are new-ish with impressive lobbies but cheap-o rooms that were slapped together.
I went to Hyatt and I haven't looked back. Totally get that doesn't work for everyone given their footprint, but it has worked for me.
I have never seen navan website when booking directly through Hilton before.
Our community has rated this post as helpful. If you agree, why not thank CharlieDru