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Post #144431537 added 01-06-2021 10:02 AM by McJim in Deal Talk
So glad I searched and found this thread. About to undertake some home projects that will require a brad nailer and I would so much rather have a cordless one. Just did this at HD today and worked...
Post #143123954 added 11-29-2020 5:34 PM by ATS1083 in Deal Talk
Going to try and get thiamin store tomorrow.
Post #143118359 added 11-29-2020 3:35 PM by Romey-Rome in Deal Talk
It’s not exactly a secret deal. They still have displays in the store advertising this deal.
Post #143065138 added 11-28-2020 3:53 PM by workinboy in Deal Talk
Can confirm. Just did this 30 minutes ago at my local store.
Post #143040529 added 11-28-2020 8:42 AM by Flash23 in Deal Talk
Still works, just did it now Now I can return the bundle I got online
Post #143010367 added 11-27-2020 6:56 PM by tebasaki in Deal Talk
did this today. thanks!
Post #142774183 added 11-24-2020 8:57 PM by strawbewwy in Deal Talk
thanks for the feedback! i ultimately thought it's way too steep for a toll I'll only use once in a blue moon, I watched a whole bunch of videos and ended up getting the ryobi with battery/charger
Post #142764907 added 11-24-2020 5:38 PM by astro26 in Deal Talk
Sound alike you have dewalt, stick with them unless you are losing money. Dewalt is fine and won’t cause you to lose money. They have great options for chainsaws too. You picked a good brand,...
Post #142676206 added 11-23-2020 9:59 AM by barebones in Deal Talk
I was in the same boat as you (except several Ridgid tools/batteries) but didn't like the reviews on the Ridgid Nailer. Someone here pointed out that this deal doesn't come with a charger. So I...
Post #142675291 added 11-23-2020 9:47 AM by Raistlin1 in Deal Talk
I don't think anyone can answer this for you, do you want to stick to one brand/battery? If so then $199 is cheaper than this deal because you will need to buy the Milwaukee battery. If you don't...
Post #142574458 added 11-21-2020 7:14 PM by phithieli in Deal Talk
They are both good. However I think the Milwaukee is a tad better IMO. It doesn’t ramp up like the dewalt as the Milwaukee has a nitrogen air tank. I tried both and liked the Milwaukee better. I...
Post #142565713 added 11-21-2020 2:47 PM by strawbewwy in Deal Talk
need help... in need for a brad nailer, I have a few dewalt tools (drill/impact and just bought the circular saw/jig saw and will have a couple batteries) the dewalt nailer is 200 without...
Post #142466572 added 11-19-2020 1:14 PM by TXTRUSTUD in Deal Talk
I went to the store today and bought the battery and nailer separately and returned the battery. No big deal. Still working as of today. I had to return the order that is one SKU that I got online as...
Post #142377323 added 11-17-2020 4:50 PM by spooky187 in Deal Talk
It seems like you can't, because if buy online it all comes as one package. No return unless its the whole thing
Post #142363289 added 11-17-2020 11:38 AM by Raistlin1 in Deal Talk
I don't believe this is a tool that you would use on a regular basis, this is purely for trim work or small wood work. The benefit of this vs a pneumatic is the use of the battery and not using a...
Post #142357079 added 11-17-2020 9:31 AM by albumleaf in Deal Talk
Appreciate the response. Unfortunately no stores around me have inventory, so it looks like I'll just have to buy both for in-store pickup and just return/rebuy.
Post #142356749 added 11-17-2020 9:25 AM by phithieli in Deal Talk
The online order will be shipped as a package under one SKU. Go to the store and pick up each item separately and check out. The price will drop to 279 then you can return the battery
Post #142356299 added 11-17-2020 9:16 AM by albumleaf in Deal Talk
So just to clarify, if I buy online, can I return the battery in-store for credit?
Post #142344398 added 11-16-2020 11:20 PM by erajat in Deal Talk
Hi there, could you provide some insight into what do you use it for in a regular basis. You seem happy with the tool. It's this a good tool to keep at home or is it of not much value to a homeowner...
Post #142334210 added 11-16-2020 6:33 PM by DjFlu in Deal Talk
The deal is still going I purchased in store and returned the battery in the same trip
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