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+31 Score 26 Replies 16,816 Views
Post #162731032 added 04-04-2023 1:07 PM by Shredded in Deal Talk
I don't think this might work the way you think it does. The cable would go near the equator. They are still researching how it would work, but the theory hasn't been ruled out. Not the North...
+31 Score 26 Replies 16,816 Views
Post #162689527 added 04-02-2023 11:00 AM by Rawmaterial in Deal Talk
Just watched Fall and it was good, for less than $4! You’re the idiot if you thought it was a climbing movie! 😂 It had good plot twists and reconnected things earlier in the movie till the very...
+31 Score 26 Replies 16,816 Views
Post #162674896 added 04-01-2023 11:59 AM by nycdude in Deal Talk
I saw the fall in theater when they gave 2 tickets for free. I found it enjoyable. The sweaty palms and vertigo feel I got watching it was great. To each there own.
+31 Score 26 Replies 16,816 Views
Post #162668329 added 04-01-2023 5:24 AM by aray0002 in Deal Talk
A thing called physics. Earth is spinning , or rotating at about 1000 miles per hour. May seem like we are standing still but if you ever watched a sunset or rise you would be amazed at how...
+31 Score 26 Replies 16,816 Views
Post #162661588 added 03-31-2023 5:02 PM by slugbug in Deal Talk
That reminds me - what ever happened to the giant carbon fiber poles they were going to build reaching up into space that were supposed to make it cheap to ferry items up into orbit?
+31 Score 26 Replies 16,816 Views
Post #162656902 added 03-31-2023 2:02 PM by skinneral in Deal Talk
I think this hits the nail on the head. My wife and I are both afraid of heights, and Fall was one of the most unsettling movies we've watched. Not for plot or anything other than the realistic...
+31 Score 26 Replies 16,816 Views
Post #162647476 added 03-31-2023 6:41 AM by ash78 in Deal Talk
Fair, but I try to separate Big Budget from Indy and this one leans toward the former, IMO. They kept the budget down by avoiding big name actors and using practical effects over CGI in a lot of...
+31 Score 26 Replies 16,816 Views
Post #162647227 added 03-31-2023 6:27 AM by kjhendrickson82 in Deal Talk
Fall really had me in about the first 20 minutes to half an hour. Once they get to the top, it just gets progressively more ridiculous and unbelievable. Then when the main conflict is finally...
+31 Score 26 Replies 16,816 Views
Post #162646348 added 03-31-2023 5:36 AM by katicj in Deal Talk
After seeing the preview for Fall and its deep plot it staggers the imagination it's on the cheap list
+31 Score 26 Replies 16,816 Views
Post #162645844 added 03-31-2023 4:57 AM by BlueMorning686 in Deal Talk
Fall is pretty generic. It's a good move but the CGI is crap. I watched it with a friend who is afraid of heights and it was very unsettling for him. The Descent is the best 'unknown', known now,...
+31 Score 26 Replies 16,816 Views
Post #162641380 added 03-30-2023 8:14 PM by DirkBelig in Deal Talk
I don't get the hate for Fall. While it's a slight and occasionally preposterous, it's an entertaining flick and the girls are cute. This hater called it a "big budget movie" but it was only $3M, but...
+31 Score 26 Replies 16,816 Views
Post #162641080 added 03-30-2023 7:55 PM by eric_cartman in Deal Talk
So you watched Fall, a film that almost entirely relies on visuals and cinematography, on the back of a plane headrest? I'll give you your point on plot and dialog but I'm pretty sure everyone...
+31 Score 26 Replies 16,816 Views
Post #162641053 added 03-30-2023 7:54 PM by YW55 in Deal Talk
Fall is a good drinking game movie for climbers. Take a drink when the characters do something stupid and you'll be hospitalized before the movie is finished.
+31 Score 26 Replies 16,816 Views
Post #162640993 added 03-30-2023 7:49 PM by James_bond003 in Deal Talk
Fall was not terrible, but OK Movie which makes it slightly better with both the lead actors cleavage show. Very difficult to find 3 decent movies in this collection pass.
+31 Score 26 Replies 16,816 Views
Post #162640699 added 03-30-2023 7:29 PM by waltsnider in Deal Talk
Awww, I thought it was The Fall.
+31 Score 26 Replies 16,816 Views
Post #162640306 added 03-30-2023 7:03 PM by virtus822 in Deal Talk
I second everyone describing how terrible The Fall is... You could do SO much better with $3...
+31 Score 26 Replies 16,816 Views
Post #162640270 added 03-30-2023 7:02 PM by dignanmi in Deal Talk
Yeah, Fall is TERRIBLE. I'm going back and watching 3D movies I missed in the Oculus Rift and Fall is by far the worst. It makes Piranha 3D look like a masterpiece.
+31 Score 26 Replies 16,816 Views
Post #162639907 added 03-30-2023 6:36 PM by jmorrow1988 in Deal Talk
Watched it last night and couldn't wait for it to be over. One of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life.
+31 Score 26 Replies 16,816 Views
Post #162639874 added 03-30-2023 6:33 PM by nasst in Deal Talk
The descent is good, depending on what ending they give you. Not a fan of the happy american ending. Knock Knock is weird but Anna De Armas... The fall is okay, I didn't like it but I'd be...
+31 Score 26 Replies 16,816 Views
Post #162639538 added 03-30-2023 6:10 PM by ash78 in Deal Talk
I just watched Fall on a plane a few hours ago and it very well may be the worst big-budget movie I’ve ever seen, especially if you have half a brain and/or any climbing experience. I counted at...
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