Prime Members: Frida Baby USB Rechargeable Electric NoseFrida Baby Nasal Aspirator or 3-in-1 Infrared Thermometer $28 + Free Shipping
Thread created 07-17-2024 by StrongWeather642
+2 Score
5 Replies
Worst is when you forget to put on the filter 🤮
I kind of enjoyed the experience (filtered of course)-- my kids were so repulsed by it and that amused me greatly.
That said, I'm glad they...
Prime Members: Frida Baby USB Rechargeable Electric NoseFrida Baby Nasal Aspirator or 3-in-1 Infrared Thermometer $28 + Free Shipping
Thread created 07-17-2024 by StrongWeather642
+2 Score
5 Replies
Yeah...that was my line of thought as well.
I brought this up with my wife this AM and she said we tried it already. It figures I don't recall.
Anyway, she said it wasn't as good as the manual....
Prime Members: Frida Baby USB Rechargeable Electric NoseFrida Baby Nasal Aspirator or 3-in-1 Infrared Thermometer $28 + Free Shipping
Thread created 07-17-2024 by StrongWeather642
+2 Score
5 Replies
I always felt like the manual method was a great way to aerosolize whatever germs my kid had and then suck them deep into my lungs. I was very happy to switch over to this device; can't recommend it...
Prime Members: Frida Baby USB Rechargeable Electric NoseFrida Baby Nasal Aspirator or 3-in-1 Infrared Thermometer $28 + Free Shipping
Thread created 07-17-2024 by StrongWeather642
+2 Score
5 Replies
We have this and it is amazing. It can be used on adults too 😆 but really, it has an attachment for an adult nose.
There are 3 levels of suction, and an optional light to distract the baby....
Prime Members: Frida Baby USB Rechargeable Electric NoseFrida Baby Nasal Aspirator or 3-in-1 Infrared Thermometer $28 + Free Shipping
Thread created 07-17-2024 by StrongWeather642
+2 Score
5 Replies
You mean I don't have to suck my kids brains out anymore?
My wife would always ask me to do this because she found it gross...
Prime Members: Frida Baby USB Rechargeable Electric NoseFrida Baby Nasal Aspirator or 3-in-1 Infrared Thermometer $28 + Free Shipping
Thread created 07-17-2024 by StrongWeather642
+2 Score
5 Replies
Amazon has for Prime Members: Frida Baby USB Rechargeable Electric NoseFrida Baby Nasal Aspirator or 3-in-1 Infrared Thermometer NLA for $27.99. Shipping is free