For Military and Vets Only
AAFES has a good deal on the Instant Pot Air Fryer Lid (Compatible with 6-Quart Instant Pots) on sale from $59.95 with NO TAXES and free shipping. Model number is 140-3003-01. This is normally $79.99 on most online retailers and $74.95 on AAFES.
This is the lid only and does not include the Instant Pot.
* Air Fryer Lid is NOT compatible with the following models: Smart WiFi 60, Smart Bluetooth, Duo Evo Plus 60, Duo SV 60 or Max 60. Air Fryer Lid is only compatible with stainless steel inner pots and NOT compatible with ceramic inner pots.
* Includes: Multi-level air fryer basket, dehydrating and broiling tray, and protective pad to set it on when it's hot, then flip it over after it's cool to use as a storage cover.
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Regardless, for $60 you can get a pretty nice air fryer, so why go this route. You're not gonna save much space; the machine is meant to be a pressure's like putting all terrain tires on a civic and expecting to go off roading.
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1) With an air fryer, you clean the basket, and maybe the bottom every couple of uses. With this lid, you have to clean the internal basket, the middle "shelf" if you're doing two layers to expand it's capacity, the ring on the bottom of the internal air fryer basket, and also the instant pot's own internal pot. You could maybe get away with not cleaning the instant pot's own pot between every use, but not if you plan to use it for anything other than air frying in between.
2) Some foods need to be rotated/turned in an air fryer halfway through cooking. In most air fryers, you pull out the drawer/basket, turn with tongs, and that's it. In the instant pot, you need somewhere to put the lid. They give you a disk/trivet, but you still have to have the counter space clear for it. Then you need to reach down deep into that high-walled pot (and that pot is HOT!!!), and take everything out. If you're using the middle divider/shelf you also need to fish that out somehow, put that somewhere, then reach further down into the pot to remove all of the other items, then put the stuff from the top into the bottom, then pot the shelf back in, then the items that were on the bottom, and then put the lid back on again. Waaay too cumbersome, and as mentioned elsewhere, it's hardly saving any space since you still need to put the unused-at-the-time lid somewhere. Yes, the Instant pot air fryer lid isn't as tall as a dedicated air fryer, but IMO that's not really the measurement that's causing my storage issue, as it still has a similar foot-print. It's also not saying *that* much money, since budget or on-sale air fryers are around this lid's price, or only slightly more.