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frontpage Posted by fomenter23 • Sep 14, 2021
frontpage Posted by fomenter23 • Sep 14, 2021

Educators: Complimentary Oil Change at Participating Mazda Dealers (ID Req.)

through 9/30/2021


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Deal Details
Participating Mazda Dealers offer Complimentary Oil Change, Vehicle Cleaning and Inspection for Educators on most makes/models of cars when you follow the instructions below to schedule service.
  • Note: Documentation that clearly reflects proof of occupation within 12 months of the service date required. Examples include ID card with person's name and name of education facility, pay stub or ID badge
Thanks to community member fomenter23 for finding this deal.

Deal Instructions:
  1. Go to Mazda Educator's Appreciation Program
  2. Scroll down and click 'Schedule a Service'
  3. Enter Zip Code for Local Dealerships
  4. Click on a Dealership
  5. Enter Make / Year / Model / Mileage (approximate)
  6. Click Next
  7. Choose: Essential Car Care Program - Educator's Free Oil Change, car wash and interior cleaning and vehicle inspection (participating dealers)
  8. Schedule your appointment
  9. Enter your contact information
  10. Book the Service
  11. Be sure to bring documentation that clearly reflects proof of occupation within 12 months of the service date

Editor's Notes

Written by megakimcheelove | Staff
  • About this deal:
    • Promotion valid through 9/30/2021
    • Excludes: exotic vehicles, classic car vehicles, off-road vehicles, and vehicles with greater than 8-quart engine oil capacity or any other vehicles with special manufacturer requirements or that require specialized tools or training
    • Eligible Customers include: Active teachers, professors, teaching assistants, teaching aids, administrators, coaches, school support staff (e.g., custodial staff, bus drivers, office staff, etc.) within 12 months of the service date.
    • Eligible Educational Facilities include: Public, private, or parochial pre-school, elementary, middle or high school, academy, charter school, prep school, boarding school, college (e.g., career, community, junior, technical), university, post-graduate studies (e.g., master's, doctorate, law, medical, veterinary degrees, etc.)

Original Post

Written by fomenter23
Community Notes
About the Poster
Deal Details
Community Notes
About the Poster
Participating Mazda Dealers offer Complimentary Oil Change, Vehicle Cleaning and Inspection for Educators on most makes/models of cars when you follow the instructions below to schedule service.
  • Note: Documentation that clearly reflects proof of occupation within 12 months of the service date required. Examples include ID card with person's name and name of education facility, pay stub or ID badge
Thanks to community member fomenter23 for finding this deal.

Deal Instructions:
  1. Go to Mazda Educator's Appreciation Program
  2. Scroll down and click 'Schedule a Service'
  3. Enter Zip Code for Local Dealerships
  4. Click on a Dealership
  5. Enter Make / Year / Model / Mileage (approximate)
  6. Click Next
  7. Choose: Essential Car Care Program - Educator's Free Oil Change, car wash and interior cleaning and vehicle inspection (participating dealers)
  8. Schedule your appointment
  9. Enter your contact information
  10. Book the Service
  11. Be sure to bring documentation that clearly reflects proof of occupation within 12 months of the service date

Editor's Notes

Written by megakimcheelove | Staff
  • About this deal:
    • Promotion valid through 9/30/2021
    • Excludes: exotic vehicles, classic car vehicles, off-road vehicles, and vehicles with greater than 8-quart engine oil capacity or any other vehicles with special manufacturer requirements or that require specialized tools or training
    • Eligible Customers include: Active teachers, professors, teaching assistants, teaching aids, administrators, coaches, school support staff (e.g., custodial staff, bus drivers, office staff, etc.) within 12 months of the service date.
    • Eligible Educational Facilities include: Public, private, or parochial pre-school, elementary, middle or high school, academy, charter school, prep school, boarding school, college (e.g., career, community, junior, technical), university, post-graduate studies (e.g., master's, doctorate, law, medical, veterinary degrees, etc.)

Original Post

Written by fomenter23

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Mazda is one of the most underrated brands in the market!
LOL, people attempt to make a word plural by adding 's. It's Mazdas.
I personally don't like to go to the dealers unless it's covered under warranty or it's something that requires specialized equipment.


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Sep 17, 2021
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Sep 17, 2021
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Quote from iceman157 :
I'm going to rant here a little bit but it's a little disappointing how everybody wants to thank educators or healthcare workers but you never hear anybody thanking engineers. I appreciate the work educators and healthcare workers do but engineers design and build bridges, cars, electronics, fighter jets, ships, etc. They build the medical devices that help healthcare workers. They build the online tools and iPads and PCs that educators use. Why do we not see any sort of "thanks" given to engineers?

p.s. before somebody jumps in and says "engineers are paid more"...let's not forget that nurses and doctors are paid equal or more than engineers. Deans of colleges and professors (a.k.a educators) also make more than engineers.
from one engineer to another...
you're an idiot.

you've gota be one of these new fresh-out kids that thinks he deserves his own all-hands meeting to congratulate him on every meaningless spreadsheet he poorly pumps out... get back to work and concentrate on being a better engineer.

you know what i need on my team? competent engineers, not recognition.
Last edited by psyctto September 17, 2021 at 01:41 PM.
Sep 17, 2021
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Sep 17, 2021
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Quote from iceman157 :
I'm going to rant here a little bit but it's a little disappointing how everybody wants to thank educators or healthcare workers but you never hear anybody thanking engineers. I appreciate the work educators and healthcare workers do but engineers design and build bridges, cars, electronics, fighter jets, ships, etc. They build the medical devices that help healthcare workers. They build the online tools and iPads and PCs that educators use. Why do we not see any sort of "thanks" given to engineers?

p.s. before somebody jumps in and says "engineers are paid more"...let's not forget that nurses and doctors are paid equal or more than engineers. Deans of colleges and professors (a.k.a educators) also make more than engineers.
I don't recall any engineers working multiple 24 hour shifts in full PPE because of a pandemic. I don't recall engineers having to call hundreds of families to tell them they will have to intubate someone or that a loved one has passed. Doctors and nurses endure far more than engineers from a physical and mental standpoint ESPECIALLY during a pandemic.

So from a fellow engineer to another.... Relax, engineer.
Sep 17, 2021
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Sep 17, 2021
15 Posts
I did the free service back when it was for essential workers back in July. Is this considered a new program promotion for educators only? I don't want to bring my other car in and they deny the service because I have already redeemed the first promotion back in July.
Sep 17, 2021
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Never see any love for social workers.
Sep 17, 2021
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Quote from Mike_R :
The dealer I bought my car from gives free oil (but not labor) for life just to keep customers in touch but they so far (30k miles) haven't tried to sell me a single thing.

I usually change my own oil but during the winter I'll have them change it and it cost the same as doing it myself so I really like it.
That's not too bad — but it does make sense for them to keep you coming in and spending time there. Eventually you'll look over and say "yeah, I guess I'll buy a new one, they look pretty nice"

Not an SDer, but the general public on the whole.

My Honda dealer is ok, but they call me every few months with the usual "are you ready to sell your car to us yet?"

Usually my answer is "The only reason I bought a brand new Honda is for the odds I would get 15 years and 150k miles out of it without major issues…I'm about halfway there, I'll talk to you then!" (Spoiler: I won't talk to them then)
Sep 17, 2021
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Quote from lburgguy :
LOL, people attempt to make a word plural by adding 's. It's Mazdas.
Well, we know they're not an least I hope not..

I almost put THEIR as a joke but decided against it.
Sep 17, 2021
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limit 1 car?

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This user is an Expert in Home & Home Improvement
Sep 17, 2021
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Quote from iceman157 :
I'm going to rant here a little bit but it's a little disappointing how everybody wants to thank educators or healthcare workers but you never hear anybody thanking engineers. I appreciate the work educators and healthcare workers do but engineers design and build bridges, cars, electronics, fighter jets, ships, etc. They build the medical devices that help healthcare workers. They build the online tools and iPads and PCs that educators use. Why do we not see any sort of "thanks" given to engineers?

p.s. before somebody jumps in and says "engineers are paid more"...let's not forget that nurses and doctors are paid equal or more than engineers. Deans of colleges and professors (a.k.a educators) also make more than engineers.
Was that an engineer on space shuttle challenger? All those product recalls... Also engineers. Must've been rough working from home all pandemic.
Sep 17, 2021
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Quote from SlickMooo :
I don't recall any engineers working multiple 24 hour shifts in full PPE because of a pandemic. I don't recall engineers having to call hundreds of families to tell them they will have to intubate someone or that a loved one has passed. Doctors and nurses endure far more than engineers from a physical and mental standpoint ESPECIALLY during a pandemic.

So from a fellow engineer to another.... Relax, engineer.
I do appreciate engineers but…. First responders, health care workers, and other critical infra workers were and are out there working during the pandemic while the majority of population was working from home. I am not saying engineers are having it easy but the general public perception is a little different. Now, educators are working hard to educate students so it is nice to see a company like Mazda is showing appreciation.
Sep 17, 2021
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Quote from bud8jr :
Sad that the indoctrination daycare camps at the high school level don't really have vocational or auto mechanics anymore. Just another way to dumb down America's youth. Highest cost per capita with the lowest test results of all industrialized countries. They deserve nothing more than a little sand in the crankcase.
I will disagree with that, not to defend mechanics that practice very awfully their profession; but to say that in Portugal and Spain, oil changes and work in general on vehicles are at least 3 times more expensive.
Sep 17, 2021
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What if I teach classes a few times a year at conferences. Am I still an educator?