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frontpage Posted by fomenter23 • Sep 14, 2021
frontpage Posted by fomenter23 • Sep 14, 2021

Educators: Complimentary Oil Change at Participating Mazda Dealers (ID Req.)

through 9/30/2021


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Deal Details
Participating Mazda Dealers offer Complimentary Oil Change, Vehicle Cleaning and Inspection for Educators on most makes/models of cars when you follow the instructions below to schedule service.
  • Note: Documentation that clearly reflects proof of occupation within 12 months of the service date required. Examples include ID card with person's name and name of education facility, pay stub or ID badge
Thanks to community member fomenter23 for finding this deal.

Deal Instructions:
  1. Go to Mazda Educator's Appreciation Program
  2. Scroll down and click 'Schedule a Service'
  3. Enter Zip Code for Local Dealerships
  4. Click on a Dealership
  5. Enter Make / Year / Model / Mileage (approximate)
  6. Click Next
  7. Choose: Essential Car Care Program - Educator's Free Oil Change, car wash and interior cleaning and vehicle inspection (participating dealers)
  8. Schedule your appointment
  9. Enter your contact information
  10. Book the Service
  11. Be sure to bring documentation that clearly reflects proof of occupation within 12 months of the service date

Editor's Notes

Written by megakimcheelove | Staff
  • About this deal:
    • Promotion valid through 9/30/2021
    • Excludes: exotic vehicles, classic car vehicles, off-road vehicles, and vehicles with greater than 8-quart engine oil capacity or any other vehicles with special manufacturer requirements or that require specialized tools or training
    • Eligible Customers include: Active teachers, professors, teaching assistants, teaching aids, administrators, coaches, school support staff (e.g., custodial staff, bus drivers, office staff, etc.) within 12 months of the service date.
    • Eligible Educational Facilities include: Public, private, or parochial pre-school, elementary, middle or high school, academy, charter school, prep school, boarding school, college (e.g., career, community, junior, technical), university, post-graduate studies (e.g., master's, doctorate, law, medical, veterinary degrees, etc.)

Original Post

Written by fomenter23
Community Notes
About the Poster
Deal Details
Community Notes
About the Poster
Participating Mazda Dealers offer Complimentary Oil Change, Vehicle Cleaning and Inspection for Educators on most makes/models of cars when you follow the instructions below to schedule service.
  • Note: Documentation that clearly reflects proof of occupation within 12 months of the service date required. Examples include ID card with person's name and name of education facility, pay stub or ID badge
Thanks to community member fomenter23 for finding this deal.

Deal Instructions:
  1. Go to Mazda Educator's Appreciation Program
  2. Scroll down and click 'Schedule a Service'
  3. Enter Zip Code for Local Dealerships
  4. Click on a Dealership
  5. Enter Make / Year / Model / Mileage (approximate)
  6. Click Next
  7. Choose: Essential Car Care Program - Educator's Free Oil Change, car wash and interior cleaning and vehicle inspection (participating dealers)
  8. Schedule your appointment
  9. Enter your contact information
  10. Book the Service
  11. Be sure to bring documentation that clearly reflects proof of occupation within 12 months of the service date

Editor's Notes

Written by megakimcheelove | Staff
  • About this deal:
    • Promotion valid through 9/30/2021
    • Excludes: exotic vehicles, classic car vehicles, off-road vehicles, and vehicles with greater than 8-quart engine oil capacity or any other vehicles with special manufacturer requirements or that require specialized tools or training
    • Eligible Customers include: Active teachers, professors, teaching assistants, teaching aids, administrators, coaches, school support staff (e.g., custodial staff, bus drivers, office staff, etc.) within 12 months of the service date.
    • Eligible Educational Facilities include: Public, private, or parochial pre-school, elementary, middle or high school, academy, charter school, prep school, boarding school, college (e.g., career, community, junior, technical), university, post-graduate studies (e.g., master's, doctorate, law, medical, veterinary degrees, etc.)

Original Post

Written by fomenter23

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Mazda is one of the most underrated brands in the market!
LOL, people attempt to make a word plural by adding 's. It's Mazdas.
I personally don't like to go to the dealers unless it's covered under warranty or it's something that requires specialized equipment.


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Sep 18, 2021
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Joined Oct 2016
Sep 18, 2021
Sep 18, 2021
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Quote from lburgguy :
LOL, people attempt to make a word plural by adding 's. It's Mazdas.
In a post for educators, no less!
Sep 18, 2021
1,474 Posts
Joined Nov 2014
Sep 18, 2021
Sep 18, 2021
1,474 Posts
Quote from iceman157 :
I'm going to rant here a little bit but it's a little disappointing how everybody wants to thank educators or healthcare workers but you never hear anybody thanking engineers. I appreciate the work educators and healthcare workers do but engineers design and build bridges, cars, electronics, fighter jets, ships, etc. They build the medical devices that help healthcare workers. They build the online tools and iPads and PCs that educators use. Why do we not see any sort of "thanks" given to engineers?

p.s. before somebody jumps in and says "engineers are paid more"...let's not forget that nurses and doctors are paid equal or more than engineers. Deans of colleges and professors (a.k.a educators) also make more than engineers.
Now I'm going on a little rant here- Is this a new generational thing or something? Why does everyone today feel like they need public applause for doing their job? Did you choose your career? Do you make a decent living? Have food on your table and a roof overhead? That should be enough to be thankful for. Nearly 1 in 10 residents in my state are below the poverty line. I'm just glad not to be one.
Sep 18, 2021
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Sep 18, 2021
Sep 18, 2021
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I have never had a 'Free' inspection that winds up They ALWAYS find (or create) something wrong... I don't trust anyone but me to do oil changes...nice offering to the educators...but beware.
Sep 18, 2021
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Sep 18, 2021
Sep 18, 2021
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Quote from crazymonkey1208 :
How about being stuck in New Orleans without power and a dead electric car with a cat 5 coming at you? Or in California with a wildfire bearing down on you and and they shut off the power "for safety"? I always keep my tractor full of fuel and 5-10 spare gallons in containers on hand. Plenty to drive out of harm's way. I'll be sure to honk as I drive past your dead Tesla 😂
Why would the power be out before the cat 5 was coming at you in this scenario. LMAO

How about being in an area where a natural disaster is coming and everyone uses up all the gasoline and you can't leave the state because you can't find any gas. Or a natural disaster disrupts a oil pipeline which slows down the oil network and now you can't find oil.

Anyone can play with these ridiculous scenarios. You're addicted to oil for no reason. I wonder what excuse you'll use when we have hydrogen fuel cell cars replacing even electric vehicles.... "Yeah, but what if we run out of water!? What are you going to do in that scenario!?". LMAO

You don't work for an oil company, no reason to act like you do.
Last edited by PocketsThick September 18, 2021 at 01:49 PM.
Sep 18, 2021
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Joined Nov 2014
Sep 18, 2021
Sep 18, 2021
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Quote from PocketsThick :
Why would the power be out before the cat 5 was coming at you in this scenario. LMAO

How about being in an area where a natural disaster is coming and everyone uses up all the gasoline and you can't leave the state because you can't find any gas. Or a natural disaster disrupts a oil pipeline which slows down the oil network and now you can't find oil.

Anyone can play with these ridiculous scenarios. You're addicted to oil for no reason. I wonder what excuse you'll use when we have hydrogen fuel cell cars replacing even electric vehicles.... "Yeah, but what if we run out of water!? What are you going to do in that scenario!?". LMAO

You don't work for an oil company, no reason to act like you do.
Where do you think your electricity comes from, unicorn farts? 😂 🙄 When California can't even keep the power on during a heatwave, and want everyone driving electric cars by 2035, calling it a ridiculous scenario is laughable.

But hey, keep buying into the ridiculous political agenda to warp fuel source just so Democrats can harm Republican's biggest donor. If you haven't figured out that it's all political yet I feel sorry for you. You're not a politician, stop defending their corruption.
Sep 18, 2021
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Sep 18, 2021
Sep 18, 2021
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Quote from crazymonkey1208 :
Where do you think your electricity comes from, unicorn farts? 😂 🙄 When California can't even keep the power on during a heatwave, and want everyone driving electric cars by 2035, calling it a ridiculous scenario is laughable.

But hey, keep buying into the ridiculous political agenda to warp fuel source just so Democrats can harm Republican's biggest donor. If you haven't figured out that it's all political yet I feel sorry for you. You're not a politician, stop defending their corruption.
We have to convert to other fuel sources no matter what. Better to do so now before fossil fuels run out. It's called fossil fuels for a reason, as in it comes from an era of fossils (organic matter breaking down over an incredibly long period of time). Meaning once you run out, you can't tap into that resources again. Electric is simply superior to gas combustion. There will be hurdles to overcome just like when the gas combustion was invented. The entire gasoline network had to be created. It didn't exist out of thin air.

Electric cars are charging at faster rates with each new generation being created. The new Hyundai Ioniq 5 can charge from 10% battery to 80% charge in 18 minutes. The full battery capacity is 300 miles. So 240 miles at 80% charge. Four hours of driving. So create whatever dooms day scenario you want, you can charge your car enough so you can drive 4 hours to the next charging station. But maybe you've created a doomsday scenario where the entire electrical grid is down indefinitely.

I have a more grave scenario. The world running out of Oil by 2052: "However, according to BP [5], earth has 53 years of oil reserves left at current rate of consumption []". BP as in BP oil company giving that prediction.
Last edited by PocketsThick September 18, 2021 at 02:17 PM.
Sep 18, 2021
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Sep 18, 2021
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I'm an instructor for the Navy. I wonder how liberal they are with the definition of an "educator"?

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Sep 19, 2021
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Sep 19, 2021
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Quote from bigb451 :
Does it have to be a Mazda that I take in, or can it be a different make?
Yes for all, or most brands. There might be fine print to check. They changed the oil in my Honda,
Sep 19, 2021
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Sep 19, 2021
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Where's the love for the non educators????

Sep 19, 2021
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Sep 19, 2021
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Quote from bud8jr :
Sad that the indoctrination daycare camps at the high school level don't really have vocational or auto mechanics anymore. Just another way to dumb down America's youth. Highest cost per capita with the lowest test results of all industrialized countries. They deserve nothing more than a little sand in the crankcase.
I don't know what schools you are talking about? Maybe the actual religious schools where indoctrination is definitely a thing. As an educator I can tell you in one of the most Progressive states in the U.S., along with working for the 2nd largest school district in the State, we have vocational level classes and have actually invested into a 150M center to teach such skills like mechanics, banking, nursing, and others while still obtaining an education so. Keep your bs narrative out of it when you know nothing.
Sep 19, 2021
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