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but, that's a hard cap of 3GB. Utra and Mint usually give unlimited throttled data after the 5G/LTE allotment has been consumed. I know people say the throttled speed makes it useless, but I've gotten myself into that situation a handful of times and it was at least still usable for basic web surfing, Google Maps, Google Voice, etc. Watching Youtube does lead to lots of buffering interruptions when throttled, though.
Sure if you can get use out of the throttling speed that's great and I see what you mean. For me I just keep track of my data and TMobile notifies you if you're getting low, they also let you upgrade the plan mid cycle to get more data. But the major thing for me is the priority data, that to me is worth much more than the having some sip data.
I'm considering this deal. Currently on TMobile $15 plan. I guess I don't YouTube or stream music much when away from home/wifi, because I thought I had 2gb and didnt even know it was 3gb haha. But I do go camping in Oregon so remote coverage is a plus.
Meanwhile would this work for a friend who calls Hungary often?
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Downside is that it's T-Mobile network.
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Mint Mobile currently has a 6 month 35GB plan for $90+tax. Mint Mobile is actually a subsidiary of Ultra Mobile.
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Meanwhile would this work for a friend who calls Hungary often?