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lol this was from 2009.. voting ended a long time ago -Story time in the lounge! These are the entries for the Contest Encore!

70,084 5,351 October 23, 2009 at 05:19 PM in Video Games (2)
One vote per member...poll will be private. You have 2 days to vote. Polls close at 8:21PM EST Sunday. Oct.25th, 2009. (time reflects time needed to set this up and still allow 2 full days.)

The rules are listed in the contest thread. here


Story #1

My non-fictional, fictional story.

It was a cold and snowy Halloween night, but I didn't give a fark because I could smell Schooby's cookies baking. I know 95% of the Lounger's LOVE HATE snow but zmarko, Rugrats Wink and I love it. I guess zmarko loves it because he always screams "OMG, I have an AWD WRX and I don't get stuck". Whee Ok, enough about him, back to the cookies! These cookies have such a great smell, that some weird chick named BG who is in Montana can smell them too. As I am drooling over the smell of fresh baked cookies, I get a call from Icon and he asks, "Hey, dou wants 2 comee ovar, im havina midenightt paarty?" I told him sure; I will be over in 15 minutes. Arriving at his house, I see many cars parked outside, and I was praying this was going to be a good party. Just as I got out of my car, I see a little punk ass kid throwing eggs at Icon's house. He was dressed up as pedobear and seemed like he was mad at someone. I screamed at him, but he drove off in a stolen VW Beetle. Icon came out to see what all the commotion was about. He sees the eggs splattered everywhere and grabs a plate from inside. He starts cooking the farkin eggs like he's on Iron Chef America!

I finally get inside his house and I see a few buddies including Schooby and her fresh baked cookies! Drio was pigging out on them like there was no tomorrow. Most had nuts but some didn't because Serra was there with Kristin trying to get her a BOC. Arj was also there watching the WSOP with Rammy and I asked him how the fark he was doing? He said OK, and gave me a farkin warning for swearing and told me to go in timeout!!! I think he was just pissed off that the Dodgers lost. While we were all chatting, Icon was in the kitchen cooking up a storm which included some pork chops and frog legs. He was acting like a robot! Speaking of robots, Selma could not make it because she was on a Front Page posting spree on Slickdeals competing against yuugotserved. The omelets that Icon made from the thrown eggs were finished and he had to post pics of them on Slickdeals. Jex & DNC decided to give them a try, but they spit them out because they were NASTY. Even TR's River didn't want that crap because she said the peppers in the omelet looked like a large zit that needed medical help. Just TS liked them, but after 10 minutes he was farting fire and smoke. Hesitant to try any more of Icon's food, Shuri arrives. He just so happens to have 500 $10 gift cards for free pizza, so he went ahead and ordered some. He always has some kind of epic and random gift cards which I love about him. The doorbell rings and there is the pizza man all covered in snow and shivering. I asked what his name was before we tipped him with 25 Dale and Thomas Popcorn gift cards, and he replies in a quiet tone, "Ray Nagin". Confused He tells us that he got impeached. Even though he's an asshat, we asked him to join the party, but he declined.

Consuming too much alcohol after we ate the pizza, some of us recall critical moments. Arj was talking to Icon both orally and online, and tells us that he was talking and typing PERFECTLY! Rayzac called Serra and told her that he was getting married to Brynn. Serra, Arj & Icon tell us that Mr. Slickdeals made Autumn a mod. Kramer actually won VS a vending machine and VQ & MLV dont pun anymore. As wasted as I was, I decided to jump on Icons computer and I logged into Slickdeals. Things were pretty out of place. Loribear was being mean to everyone, while Max was being lovable to everyone, balloon boy was actually in the balloon, there were no more spoofs, reposts or chat threads, luckykitti quit partying, 20 lbs was actually the weight like 30 lbs when a guy lifts, and Zoe didnt post any threads about people dying. There was even a hot new girl that entered The Lounge. She made her first post with a rant icon (not a noob after all) ranting about school, and some lab partner she had to work with. Apparently her lab partner likes to egg houses. Just as I was about to reply to her thread.I woke up.


Story #2

District: Slickville
State: Dreamland
It was a warm and sunny Monday at Slickville, though it was winter. The best school in the district was known as ''the Lounge High school (LHS)'', with consistent high grades across many years. Halloween was fast
approaching and everyone and their uncle were preparing for the best Halloween party the coming Friday. .The principal of LHS wanted a theme for the Halloween party, but he was very confused what to go with.
So he decided to do an impromtu contest at the Parent Teacher Association meeting (PTA) . Parents submitting the best theme would win a 7 night cruise on Norwegian cruise Line, from any port they wish to start from, and also return flight tickets to that destination.
After all, this was the state of Dreamland. Slickville was the most booming economy in that state.. It was a win win situation... The LHS had an amazing growth rate, that prompted more
parents to move to that district, that prompted more flow into the economy, and that prompted, an overall booming rate for the economy of the Dreamsland state where Slickville was located.
Nobama, the ruler of that country, had made a deal with the principal that they could help emulate that winning scenario to other schools, other states, and later, to other countries, even to Afghanistan/Iraq and everywhere else.. Since the principal volunteered to help others achieve the same, Nobama promised that he
could easily get a sponsor for their school contest prize....
This was a true cosmopolitan school, there were all kinds of children and families. Some from single parents, some from couples, some from gay couples...
Most parents at the PTA thought it was great idea that their thoughts were asked for! After all, how difficult could that be, they figured. They were used to giving advice to people anyways.
One by one, the principal started reading out the suggestions...
Lloyd. and Serra suggested that the halloween theme should be ''romance based'' and children should know the meaning of true love. It would be like a valentine party combined with a
halloween party.
Zoe Moon decided that reverse halloween trick or treat is the trend and she wanted the school to hand out ''Doors'' to students, who can approach people, dress up as old women/old men, and
when someone opens the door upon knocking, pretend to open the door and then hand them some treats... Then run away and go to another door...
iconian wanted this to be a transformers themed halloween since that was for him the most happening event in the world currently.
TigerStar and RayNagin were busy searching the library for original posts of reposts of tricks on halloween and so missed the deadline for the halloween theme school contest.
XL_jockey and Jex had a lot of ideas for halloween, but they decided those were not really for school age kids, and they decided to keep away from the contest too.
VQ and Justawannabe said that the best theme for halloween would be a Seniors trick or treat..
emelvee said since crusing is the best thing in the world after school.. the theme for the party should be freestyle cruising.
msgal67belle said that recycling and couponing was the trend, so that should be the theme, with partyware made of recycled stuff, halloween event prizes being the best coupons, and so on..
AggieMom wanted a retro halloween party for the LHS. She said that an old fashioned party for halloween would be the best thing for the kids, to let them know how life was in the 80's and '90's.
SonofaBeech and Gossipgirlxoxo said that a beach halloween party is the bestest thing, but since grammarpolice objected to the word ''bestest'', the principal had to agree and withdraw that entry from the contest.
BikerEric said that as long as the halloween party was held, he didnt care what the theme was.
LordRamZ was busy advising newjerseygirl about some perpetual useless information he gleaned from here and there, and so they both could not participate in the contest.
MissyMooMoo and Autumn gave the same suggestion surprisingly. They both felt that a nature theme showing colors of the season (summer, Fall) and animals (frogs, cows and pigs) and such would be great.
Pig, Scampsters, Clivefrog, Loribear and Grizzley agreed with MissyMoo totally, a rare event.
BeeEss, RebateAddict, Wetdream, vec, jenni., shaggy did not attend the PTA because they had other important stuff to do that day. They were reading the ''The Idiot's guide to Saving money and other myths'', the latest bestseller on Barnes and Very Noble fiction category.
Ram[bunc]tious and GeminiGirl said that the best halloween party for a school would be a birthday party, since they had so much fun at their friends ArjunSr's birthday recently. They wanted the halloween party to have a birthday clown, birthday cakes, candles, confetti.. stuff that children enjoy always, they said!
Dr. J and DNC said that since a lot of people were scared of swine flu, H1N1, H2O and what not, the best thing to do would be vaccines instead of a halloween party.
schbusdrvr said that the best party would always have lots of halloween candy, irrespective of the theme. In fact, a theme wasnt even necessary.
Since everyone had such vast differences, they started arguing and a pandemonium ensued.
The security was called upon. TheRaddish and DJ3xclusive helped control the parents, and made them sit down and calm down and showed them some slickyoga poses. Slickyoga was a new branch of meditation where people chanted ''OhSlick'', munched on celery, and thusly achieved mental orgasms.
In such a state of mind of the PTA room, Rayzac entered and fainted. He was late for the PTA and had missed what happened so far. The principal of the school ''Mr SD'' said that the contest was closed for entries and since the Black and White House had texted him a theme for the halloween party, he would have to go with that theme.
What about the prize: Well, the pricipal announced that since Deepak Chopra and Rachel Ray said its all in the mind, they should think that they won the prize, and all the parents enjoyed the cruise in their imagination.
That Friday, the LHS had a minty green themed halloween as instruced by Nobama, and they all lived happily ever after..


Story #3

Kaco was traveling and she stopped at a hotel and asked the desk clerk if he had a room. The guy said we only have one room left and they say it's haunted. Kaco said I am not afraid of no ghost. I'll take the room. Later that night when was sleeping .... I'm the ghost with the red eye... Louder I'm the ghost with the red eye.....She ran out and went to a different hotel. The desk clerk said sorry we only have one room left and they say it's haunted. Kaco was really tired and she didn't believe it would happen again , so she said that's fine. Quickly she was asleep. Once again I'm the ghost with the red eye... Louder I'm the ghost with the red eye..... This time she got up and drove the rest of the night and the following day. The next night she was exausted and she stopped to get a room and the desk clerk told her I only have one room and they say it's haunted. Kaco said listen I am tired and PMSing so I feel sorry for any ghost in my room tonight. So she took the room and she was fast asleep. I'm the ghost with the red eye... Louder I'm the ghost with the red eye..... Even Louder I'm the ghost with the red eye.....Kaco jumped up and said you better be quite or you'll be the ghost with the black eye.


Story #4

Mr SD was working in the lab late one night
When his eyes beheld an eerie sight
For his Moderator from his slab began to rise
And suddenly to his surprise

Arj did the mash
Arj did the Moderator mash
The Moderator mash
It was a graveyard smash
Arj did the mash
It caught on in a flash
Arj did the mash
Arj did the Moderator mash

From his laboratory in the castle east
To the master bedroom where the vampires feast
The ghouls all came from their humble abodes
To get a jolt from Mr Sds electrodes

They did the mash
They did the Moderator mash
The Moderator mash
It was a graveyard smash
They did the mash
It caught on in a flash
They did the mash
They did the Moderator mash

The zombies were having fun
The party had just begun
The guests included Rayzac
Raddish and Dr Wu

The scene was rockin', all were digging the sounds
Serra on chains, backed by her baying hounds
The coffin-bangers were about to arrive
With their vocal group, "The Crypt-Kicker Five"

They played the mash
They played the Moderator mash
The Moderator mash
It was a graveyard smash
They played the mash
It caught on in a flash
They played the mash
They played the Moderator mash

Out from his coffin, Iconian's voice did ring
Seems he was troubled by just one thing
He opened the lid and shook his fist
And said, "Whatver hapend 2 my transylvana tvist?"

It's now the mash
It's now the Moderator mash
The Moderator mash
And it's a graveyard smash
It's now the mash
It's caught on in a flash
It's now the mash
It's now the Moderator mash

Now everything's cool, Iconian's a part of the band
And Mr SDs Moderator mash is the hit of the land
For you, the living, this mash was meant too
When you get to my door, tell them Finzz sent you

Then you can mash
Then you can Moderator mash
The Moderator mash
And do my graveyard smash
Then you can mash
You'll catch on in a flash
Then you can mash
Then you can Moderator mash

Which story do you like the most???
Story #1 (7)
Story #2 (12)
Story #3 (2)
Story #4 (5)
Story #5 (3)
Story #6 (6)
Story #7 (21)
Story #8 (2)
Story #9 (19)
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Joined Oct 2006
Post-It Princess
> bubble2 8,730 Posts
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10-25-2009 at 05:20 PM.
10-25-2009 at 05:20 PM.
One more minute! Whee
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Joined Dec 2006
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> bubble2 18,166 Posts
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wuzzy | Staff
10-25-2009 at 05:21 PM.
10-25-2009 at 05:21 PM.

Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 11 (8 members and 3 guests)
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Joined Feb 2008
yay christmas
> bubble2 1,289 Posts
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10-25-2009 at 05:21 PM.
10-25-2009 at 05:21 PM.
no more minutes!
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Joined Dec 2004
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Schooby | Staff
10-17-2017 at 02:05 PM.
10-17-2017 at 02:05 PM.
I realize this is old.. like ooooooooooooold.. but I ran across it earlier and enjoyed rereading the stories.. Figured I should bump it so you guys can relive the funniness Stick Out Tongue

"This Thread is more than 2914 days old. It is very likely that it does not need any further discussion and thus bumping it serves no purpose." yeah...well.. Bump
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Joined Dec 2009
I AM The Walrus
> bubble2 1,031 Posts
10-19-2017 at 09:31 AM.
10-19-2017 at 09:31 AM.
Wait! Who wrote each story? What happened next? Did anyone get banned? I wanna know more!!!!!!!
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Joined May 2005
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> bubble2 54,923 Posts
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10-19-2017 at 08:56 PM.
10-19-2017 at 08:56 PM.
I like the ones that mention me nod
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Joined Dec 2004
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> bubble2 70,084 Posts
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Schooby | Staff
10-20-2017 at 08:55 AM.
10-20-2017 at 08:55 AM.
I wish I could recall who wrote the stories and won.. but at least we know the biggest loser was TR... who never did get a whole story out of Autumn! Autumn

Ha haRofl3LaughCurtsey
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Joined Nov 2004
The April Fools Day Joke
> bubble2 49,206 Posts
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Autumn | Staff
10-20-2017 at 09:03 AM.
10-20-2017 at 09:03 AM.
Quote from Schooby :
I wish I could recall who wrote the stories and won.. but at least we know the biggest loser was TR... who never did get a whole story out of Autumn! Autumn

Ha haRofl3LaughCurtsey



I wrote story 7. I know this because it's the longest story, it's the most autumn-centric and also because I remember writing it laugh out loud
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Joined Dec 2004
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> bubble2 70,084 Posts
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Schooby | Staff
10-20-2017 at 09:05 AM.
10-20-2017 at 09:05 AM.
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Joined Dec 2006
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> bubble2 18,166 Posts
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wuzzy | Staff
10-20-2017 at 09:06 AM.
10-20-2017 at 09:06 AM.
Quote from wuzzy :

Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 11 (8 members and 3 guests)
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 1 (1 members and 0 guests)

The lounge has really gone downhill.
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Joined Dec 2004
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> bubble2 70,084 Posts
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Schooby | Staff
10-20-2017 at 09:08 AM.
10-20-2017 at 09:08 AM.
Quote from wuzzy :
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 1 (1 members and 0 guests)

The lounge has really gone downhill.
Sounds like it could turn into an interesting story line. Popcorn
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Joined Nov 2004
The April Fools Day Joke
> bubble2 49,206 Posts
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Autumn | Staff
10-20-2017 at 09:23 AM.
10-20-2017 at 09:23 AM.
Quote from Schooby :
Sounds like it could turn into an interesting story line. Popcorn

I agree.

Write a story about it, wuzzy Whee
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Joined Jun 2008
My name is Walter
> bubble2 6,360 Posts
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10-20-2017 at 04:56 PM.
10-20-2017 at 04:56 PM.
I vaguely remember writing #5 but don't remember why Lloyd was so popular in 2009.
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