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expired Posted by Bojjihuntindeals | Staff • Mar 16, 2023
expired Posted by Bojjihuntindeals | Staff • Mar 16, 2023

Nintendo Switch Square Enix Game Sale (Digital): Crisis Core $40, Chrono Cross

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Nintendo eShop has select Square Enix Games (Nintendo Switch Digital Download) on sale starting at $1.99.

Thanks to Deal Hunter Bojjihuntindeals for finding this deal.

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Written by johnny_miller | Staff
  • About this deal:
    • Offer ends March 30, 2023 at 11:59pm PT.

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Nintendo eShop has select Square Enix Games (Nintendo Switch Digital Download) on sale starting at $1.99.

Thanks to Deal Hunter Bojjihuntindeals for finding this deal.

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Editor's Notes

Written by johnny_miller | Staff
  • About this deal:
    • Offer ends March 30, 2023 at 11:59pm PT.

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No – Chrono Cross is about as much a sequel to Chrono Trigger as Super Mario Bros. 2 is a sequel to Super Mario Bros.

Chrono Cross is really a sequel to the visual novel Radical Dreamers, which is included in this Switch release (but which, IMHO, is a pretty blah experience, particularly if you're not a huge visual novel fan, as I'm not). At some point in its development, a decision was made to bring it into the Chrono Trigger series, but the game does not have any real intrinsic connection. (The contemporaneous PS1 RPG Xenogears has a bit more of a Chrono Trigger-esque "feel," in my opinion, though it has never been released for Switch.)

There certainly *are* plot points in Chrono Cross which make explicit connections with Chrono Trigger, but no familiarity with the prior game is needed and if anything, familiarity with the prior game will only frustrate your expectations. The battle system, characters, and plot are all fairly different, and apart from the occasional plot connection, Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger are not much more similar than any other two Squaresoft JRPGs.

Chrono Cross is, in the end, a good JRPG that has always suffered in comparison with the GOAT JRPG.

That said, if you haven't played Chrono Trigger... do yourself a favor and play it!
FYI the Kingdom Hearts games are cloud streaming only, you will need a very strong internet connection to play them otherwise you will have lots of input delay.

You will have a much better experience playing them elsewhere.
Can't wait to add Chrono Cross to the list of games I will purchase again (third time now for me) and never replay.

I need some new re-releases of Final Fantasy Tactics and Star Ocean: The Second Story to rebuy but never replay.


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Mar 17, 2023
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Quote from ConFu :

Any opinions on FFIX?
FFIX is one of the best JRPGs ever. It didn't perform as well back in the day, at least not in North America, because the switch to chibi character design and traditional fantasy setting turned off a lot of FFVII and VIII fans. Being released on PS1 after the PS2 came out didn't help either. But its gameplay and story are top notch, and deeper than its cutesy character design lets on.

If you're a Final Fantasy and/or JRPG fan, I can't recommend it enough.
Mar 17, 2023
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Our community has rated this post as helpful. If you agree, why not thank Taikeron

Quote from Draxthekiller :
Kingdom hearts 1.5-2.5 worth it? Is this the only time it's been 20$?
Only if you can't play on Playstation or PC and absolutely must play on Switch under current circumstances. These are Cloud games, so they require a persistent, reliable internet connection, which guarantees that if your ping is poor, or your download speed is poor, then your experience will be poor.

Further, Cloud games are not running on your device, so once the Cloud servers shut down, "your" game is gone.
Mar 17, 2023
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Quote from NickieBoy97 :
FYI the Kingdom Hearts games are cloud streaming only, you will need a very strong internet connection to play them otherwise you will have lots of input delay.

You will have a much better experience playing them elsewhere.
Thanks for this. Almost pulled the trigger. Just looked up some reviews, and this sounds awful.
Mar 17, 2023
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Quote from GT2023 :
Thanks for this. Almost pulled the trigger. Just looked up some reviews, and this sounds awful.
Yeah I absolutely don't know what made square enix decide that it was a good idea to have it cloud streaming.

I understand they wanted to save money and release it quick to tie in with smash brothers but they could have easily ported over the first two collections at the very least. Those ran on PS3, they even have PC ports to work from. Heck even just throwing the emulator PS2 originals would have been a better alternative.

I know a few people who have purchased these cloud versions and then realized they're basically unplayable to them because their internet connection is not strong enough. Doesn't help that eShop purchases aren't refundable. There is a demo that is supposed to let you test the game to see how it runs on your network but many people don't realize it's even a cloud version to begin with.
Mar 17, 2023
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Quote from ConFu :
Will Crisis Core ruin FF7 for me? Haven't played either.

Any opinions on FFIX?
Not at all. It actually leads right into 7 and provides a bit of a background into Cloud. Crisis Core's ending had quite the pull for me.

My friend swore by FF9 and recommended it to me but when I played it, it didn't capture me as much I had hoped it would. Bare in mind that my play-through was almost two decades after its initial release so there have been many great games that I had the pleasure of playing before getting to FF9. Maybe if I had played it when it was released in 2000, my opinion of it would have been more positive. The same goes for Ocarina of Time, as I wasn't as impressed as I thought I would be considering all the praise that the game received over the years.

So keep that mind as you play these older games where you have a tendency to compare it with more modern games, because some games age better than others.
Last edited by flybywiretl March 17, 2023 at 12:34 PM.
Mar 17, 2023
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Is Dragon Quest 3 on sale? I had really good memories of it as a kid on the NES, so curious if it worth a reply these days.

DRAGON QUEST III: The Seeds of Salvation:

Yup, it's $8.11 at the moment, surprised it's not on the list here!
Last edited by kalirob99 March 17, 2023 at 12:43 PM.
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Quote from akhobbes :
This SMB analogy comparing CC and CT is pretty off. The fact that you said that there are plot points with explicit connections proves my point. SMB2 wasn't even a Mario game, it was Doki Doki Panic and then reskinned with Mario characters.

If you think CT and CC's stories aren't relevant then I think you may have missed the point of the final conversation at Opassa Beach and therefore the ending.

DO play CT first. The mystery of CC is basically figuring out what happened to everyone from the first game, which completely enriches the CC experience.
I think you're accidentally making the analogy even better. SMB2 is DDP with some Mario characters added as an afterthought so it would sell better. It's been a couple decades, but my memory of CC is a game with no explicit ties to CT, but with some random connections added as an afterthought so it would sell better.

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Can we get Final Fantasy Tactics?
Mar 18, 2023
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Thanks I got Kingdom Hearts.
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Quote from GreenCrayon3641 :
No – Chrono Cross is about as much a sequel to Chrono Trigger as Super Mario Bros. 2 is a sequel to Super Mario Bros.

Chrono Cross is really a sequel to the visual novel Radical Dreamers, which is included in this Switch release (but which, IMHO, is a pretty blah experience, particularly if you're not a huge visual novel fan, as I'm not). At some point in its development, a decision was made to bring it into the Chrono Trigger series, but the game does not have any real intrinsic connection. (The contemporaneous PS1 RPG Xenogears has a bit more of a Chrono Trigger-esque "feel," in my opinion, though it has never been released for Switch.)

There certainly *are* plot points in Chrono Cross which make explicit connections with Chrono Trigger, but no familiarity with the prior game is needed and if anything, familiarity with the prior game will only frustrate your expectations. The battle system, characters, and plot are all fairly different, and apart from the occasional plot connection, Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger are not much more similar than any other two Squaresoft JRPGs.

Chrono Cross is, in the end, a good JRPG that has always suffered in comparison with the GOAT JRPG.

That said, if you haven't played Chrono Trigger... do yourself a favor and play it!
So I have both CT and CC originals, desperately wanted a true CT sequel when I was a kid, and bought CC day one because that's what I was lead to think it was by magazines, but this isn't it. On its own it's a mediocre game that doesn't tell nearly as interesting a story (or stories) as CT. The final act is a hot mess, but overall the game does have its moments.

Outside of some of the gorgeous soundtrack and some 'moments', the game feel unaffiliated in every possible way. A couple of story points are there, but they are loose. IMO a better comparison between the two would be more like Final Fantasy 4 (FF2 US) and Secret of Evermore (hear me out). They don't look alike or play alike, they aren't even made by the same people, but there are references in SOE about a couple of character from FF2 that serves more like a cameo than anything else.

Again, never mind what it tries to do near the finale, it's pure nonsense. CT has a lot of Toriyama's work in it, CC has none.

None of this is to bash the game at all, but expectations really need to be curbed to truly enjoy the game.