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Troy: The Greek Myths Reimagined: Book 3 (eBook) by Stephen Fry on sale for
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powerfuldoppler for finding this deal.
Available from the following retailers:About this eBook:- In the brilliant third installment of his bestselling Mythos series, legendary author and actor Stephen Fry retells the tale of the Trojan War with his trademark wit and vibrance.
- Full of tragic heroes, intoxicating love stories, and the unstoppable force of fate, there is no conflict more iconic than the Trojan War. Troy is the story of the epic battle retold by Fry with drama, humor, and vivid emotion. Achilles, Hector, Odysseus, Helen, their lovers, and their mortal enemies all burn bright in Fry's compelling prose. Illustrated throughout with classical art inspired by the myths, this fresh take on an ancient tale invites you to explore a captivating world with a virtuoso storyteller as your guide.
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Myths were meant to be shared around the campfire, and Stephen Fry has got an incredibly warm and intelligent voice.
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You can open the audible app. Or
Sadly, for me it's *$12.99* — damn these new personalized pricing algorithms from amazon 😕