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Anyone try their optical department? Looking for new glasses... Actually just the lenses since the frames are still in good condition. Anyone know if they would fill just the prescription lens without the frame?
They are okay. Don't use the latest materials, prone to scratching, not the top quality, but okay. I have 4 pairs, because anywhere else is more expensive. (online doesn't count for those who prefer in store experience).
Costco Optical is highly rated and significantly cheaper than independent eyeglasses stores especially if you want/need add-ons such as anti-reflective coating, transition lens, etc. As for filling just the prescription lens without the frame at Costco, I have evolving experiences over the years/stores. They used to charge $10 extra if I bring in a non-Costco frame but no extra charge if the old frame was purchased at Costco to begin with. Now they only take Costco frames purchased in recent years and won't touch non-Costco frame at all. That said, I still go to Costco for most if not all our eyeglasses. However, I do support individual stores with opticians I like and want to keep by doing OCT and filling simple eyeglasses there.
A little homework has shown me that they don't use the best plastics, etc. Independent will carrier, or should carry, the latest and greatest specs. With that said, I rate Costco highly for price.
Just want to add that Johnny Pops are delicious and are made right down the street from my house. Named after one of the owners' best friend who passed away in college at St Olaf
A little homework has shown me that they don't use the best plastics, etc. Independent will carrier, or should carry, the latest and greatest specs. With that said, I rate Costco highly for price.
They will make lenses for non-Costco frames, I just asked them about it yesterday. The downside is that you'll be without those frames for ~2 weeks while they work on it.
Costco Optical is highly rated and significantly cheaper than independent eyeglasses stores especially if you want/need add-ons such as anti-reflective coating, transition lens, etc. As for filling just the prescription lens without the frame at Costco, I have evolving experiences over the years/stores. They used to charge $10 extra if I bring in a non-Costco frame but no extra charge if the old frame was purchased at Costco to begin with. Now they only take Costco frames purchased in recent years and won't touch non-Costco frame at all. That said, I still go to Costco for most if not all our eyeglasses. However, I do support individual stores with opticians I like and want to keep by doing OCT and filling simple eyeglasses there.
Was gonna say this, but you covered it all already.
When I inquired about reusing a costco frame from a couple years ago (one of the lens had fallen out and I couldn't find it) they said they'd only take the frames if they were in absolutely perfect condition.
No I like hot dogs but not ones that were skinny, tough, and unbearably salty.
Maybe I got a bad batch.
I agree with you. Purchased it last summer and they were terrible. I remember Hebrew National being a very good hot dog years ago. For me the quality went way down.
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I mean that was hard to guess. SD wouldn't even allow a post like this 6 years ago. I would have to click the link to see what's behind the link. All I see is "hot deal at Costco". I wasn't gonna click anyways cause SD baited me with a notification of "hot electronics" (not Costco) deals.
Find a Kirkland branded mattress by Sealy. We bought one, I'm not even kidding you 9 years ago. It went bed (sagging on one side) and I was just going to throw it away and buy a new one of the same exact kind because we liked it. I went on the Costco website and saw that they had a 10 year warranty and I wasn't sure if my old one did or how the warranty worked. So I hit up the online chat and they found my order got a hold of their logistics team and came and picked up my old mattress and delivered me a new one at absolutely no charge. I'll never buy another mattress anywhere else. Costco is the best.
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Any opinions on:
Sealy Posturepedic Plus Ridge Crest II 14" Firm or Plush Mattress
Sealy Posturepedic Plus Mount Auburn 13" Medium Mattress
Any other places to look for a mattress for a good deal? Thanks!
They will make lenses for non-Costco frames, I just asked them about it yesterday. The downside is that you'll be without those frames for ~2 weeks while they work on it.
When I inquired about reusing a costco frame from a couple years ago (one of the lens had fallen out and I couldn't find it) they said they'd only take the frames if they were in absolutely perfect condition.
Maybe I got a bad batch.
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I mean that was hard to guess. SD wouldn't even allow a post like this 6 years ago. I would have to click the link to see what's behind the link. All I see is "hot deal at Costco". I wasn't gonna click anyways cause SD baited me with a notification of "hot electronics" (not Costco) deals.
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Buy organic chicken and bread it yourself