There are very, very few dates but if you are chasing points and/or status, or a college spring breaker, this is a good one....
United Airlines and Expedia have round trip airfares travelling to and from Des Moines IA (DSM) and Miami (MIA) for $149, making 1 stop both ways. These are basic economy fares that only allow a personal item. There is no carry-on bag, no seat selection and no change. However, if you are travelling with children, you will be seated together as per UA's policy.
Travel Availability:
Departs DSM: April 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 23, 29, 30
Departs MIA: April 8, 9, 15, 16, 29
To book this deal, use dates and book flights with
Expedia [] or
United Airlines [].
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Good looking out though Serra!
Good looking out though Serra!