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Post #167463925 added 11-25-2023 10:32 AM by Schnitzell in Deal Talk
I made a trade in for the 12 pro Max, did anyone receive less than 830? The credits have not yet been applied to me, it tells me approved but not how much, I contacted customer service and they told...
Post #167013679 added 11-13-2023 5:42 PM by seiromem in Deal Talk
I added two lines during the $100 gift card promotion and they are not showing up on the incentive tracker. Anyone else in the same boat?
Post #167011885 added 11-13-2023 4:31 PM by earthshine in Deal Talk
What was the $20 off internet for? I'm hoping to get a good deal for new devices this BF. Anyone know what I can do to be ready - ie in past do they give discount for porting from ATT/Tmobile, or...
Post #166962814 added 11-11-2023 3:57 PM by thund3rcat in Deal Talk
Name of seller? Listing got removed.
Post #166928632 added 11-10-2023 8:53 AM by seiromem in Deal Talk
Is the unlock service for the pro max only? Does it work for just the pro?
Post #166927084 added 11-10-2023 7:59 AM by xseanx in Deal Talk
Yes it can be done on ebay for $50. My niece just got her ip 15 pro max unlocked yesterday, the phone was bought last month still finance. I just placed an order to unlock my iphone 15 too. here...
Post #166641154 added 10-28-2023 11:52 AM by ayuandmi in Deal Talk
Ah yea that $400 off iphone was a good deal. Hopefully the $830 off will come back for you soon
Post #166629856 added 10-27-2023 6:22 PM by leiff in Deal Talk
While waiting for this $100 Visa gift card promotion to come back I didn't realize the 400 off new iPhone with port promotion would end and I missed out on getting a free iPhone 13Mini $400 value. ...
Post #166628197 added 10-27-2023 4:37 PM by ayuandmi in Deal Talk
It was a promotion, $100 Visa GC for activating each line.
Post #166598920 added 10-26-2023 11:25 AM by DealHunter1006 in Deal Talk
what was the $100 prepaid card for ? was this for the phone you traded OR was it for the phone you purchased from Xfinity ?
Post #166546651 added 10-23-2023 4:45 PM by ayuandmi in Deal Talk
Activated two lines on 9/19/23, today received my first billing statement and received $30 credit against my $60 for 2 lines, and got $700 off my iphone 11 pro max monthly trade in credit to be...
Post #166539406 added 10-23-2023 10:39 AM by SmartSpaniel2866 in Deal Talk
If I were you, I would consider the trade in, as the value is going to go down as the time goes by. If you are okay to jump to iphone from android then its a no brainer. What is your network provider?
Post #166538014 added 10-23-2023 9:39 AM by agnoku in Deal Talk
Also sent in two phones, USPS tracking delivered 10/16. Notes stated delivered to a person. 10/23 Xfinity sent emails stating trade-in has been accepted. Xfinity app updated credits. No updates...
Post #166532623 added 10-22-2023 11:02 PM by leiff in Deal Talk
I see iPhone 13 max on this promotion had $830 trade in value. With coupon I have i can get this phone for $600 off eBay now. Anyone think I will have a good trade in promotion $600 used 13pro maxp...
Post #166523476 added 10-22-2023 10:42 AM by misenlai in Deal Talk
Does xfinity ship the phone locked? If not we can pop activate it on at&t and then ask at&t to unlock? Lol. The old way with best buy
Post #166502791 added 10-20-2023 9:36 PM by SKV4m in Deal Talk
I effed up. The bogo line is tied to the $55 plan I chose. If I downgrade I’ll lose my bogo promotion.
Post #166450573 added 10-18-2023 12:12 AM by SKV4m in Deal Talk
My back ordered iPhone 15PM never showed up in my devices so I had to call the CSR to activate. It’s still not showing up but number is ported and phone activated. Now I have to check back with CSR...
Post #166436305 added 10-17-2023 9:30 AM by thund3rcat in Deal Talk
Nope, they won't update anything until the credits is posted. You might even get email to send out your phone.
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