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+31 Score 42 Replies 25,633 Views
Post #165901765 added 09-19-2023 11:34 AM by The-Salty-Sheepdog in Deal Talk
The best route to go would be to have BB price match and then add the Geek 2 yr replacement for another $55.
+31 Score 42 Replies 25,633 Views
Post #165898285 added 09-19-2023 8:30 AM by MedicofMayhem911 in Deal Talk
I don't get this controller drifting/button problem like I don't get the Logitech double click mouse issues everyone is always complaining about. My only controller problem over the years were PS4...
+31 Score 42 Replies 25,633 Views
Post #165878776 added 09-18-2023 8:07 AM by CoffeePleeze in Deal Talk
That triggered "Zephyr, Falcon, Jasper RROD" for me.
+31 Score 42 Replies 25,633 Views
Post #165856429 added 09-16-2023 4:29 PM by AquaRain832 in Deal Talk
Same price at or possibly cheaper if you have xbox gift cards from previous Costco or Dollar General deals. ...
+31 Score 42 Replies 25,633 Views
Post #165856021 added 09-16-2023 3:56 PM by SturgeonGeneral in Deal Talk
It’s not as easy as cleaning. I am on my fourth one, the first three lasted between 2 weeks and 3 months before developing stick drift. This one has lasted just over 3 years without issue. It’s a...
+31 Score 42 Replies 25,633 Views
Post #165841099 added 09-15-2023 4:12 PM by psyctto in Deal Talk
Even though mine have been fine… from all the animals on here that go through a controller a year, they didn’t fix durability in from rev1 to 2… are we hopeful 3rd time’s the charm? 🙃
+31 Score 42 Replies 25,633 Views
Post #165841027 added 09-15-2023 4:06 PM by goosedude in Deal Talk
You should get the extended warranty for ALL controllers that use Analog joysticks until they changed the modules to magnetic. Having said that, I have 2 Elite V2 controllers and have had zero...
+31 Score 42 Replies 25,633 Views
Post #165838432 added 09-15-2023 1:38 PM by Slurm93 in Deal Talk
I can confirm! Mine just started both drifting and having shoulder button issues after a little over a year of use. Very much a problem.
+31 Score 42 Replies 25,633 Views
Post #165837421 added 09-15-2023 12:39 PM by Birdlawyer93 in Deal Talk
Throwing my hat in with the stick drift crowd. I had zero drifting controllers between 3 xbox one and 2 xbox 360 controllers. Both of my new xbox core controllers are drifting badly with less than a...
+31 Score 42 Replies 25,633 Views
Post #165836746 added 09-15-2023 11:59 AM by Hueyduey02 in Deal Talk
The analog sticks on these are no different than standard controllers. As a casual FPS and racing game player I go through a controller once every 1-2 years. I bought an elite once and it drifted in...
+31 Score 42 Replies 25,633 Views
Post #165834955 added 09-15-2023 10:17 AM by tgr31 in Deal Talk
get the warranty
+31 Score 42 Replies 25,633 Views
Post #165833818 added 09-15-2023 9:17 AM by killua66 in Deal Talk
$100 today is roughly $35 back in 1985, but also consider how much tech evolved since then. Rumble, paddles, higher quality parts, etc. With that said, I'm very happy with my $35 Xbox core...
+31 Score 42 Replies 25,633 Views
Post #165832834 added 09-15-2023 8:23 AM by psyctto in Deal Talk
i have 2 v1s, both are still fine... all the consoles i've had over the years, all the XB1 controllers i have, only ever had 1 with stick drift and it was a Gears controller. but i'm nice to my...
+31 Score 42 Replies 25,633 Views
Post #165832681 added 09-15-2023 8:16 AM by itsalladream in Deal Talk
I look at games being $60 and think that's a lot, until I remember my mom buying me Doom II on 8 diskettes for almost $90 way back in the day.
+31 Score 42 Replies 25,633 Views
Post #165831718 added 09-15-2023 7:00 AM by Tapakidney1 in Deal Talk
As a fellow 80's kid, it's really embarrassing when fellow 80's kids say such stupid things.
+31 Score 42 Replies 25,633 Views
Post #165831409 added 09-15-2023 6:36 AM by TheSchlaf in Deal Talk
Adjusted for inflation the SNES controller is probably close.
+31 Score 42 Replies 25,633 Views
Post #165831400 added 09-15-2023 6:36 AM by JustinBradley in Deal Talk
I got to sound off with the others that we're disappointed with their V1 elite. The feel is great and for as long as it didn't have trouble it was excellent. Eventually it got pretty bad stick...
+31 Score 42 Replies 25,633 Views
Post #165831055 added 09-15-2023 6:11 AM by TheSchlaf in Deal Talk
I wouldn't consider yourself lucky. You're just easier on your stuff. I've had an old elite for 6 years before upgrading to a v2, and haven't had issues with either.
+31 Score 42 Replies 25,633 Views
Post #165830749 added 09-15-2023 5:40 AM by Eyetron in Deal Talk
Yes that happened to me. I got the Verizon deal and returned it. A and Y buttons are the ones that can have issue. My A button had a slight problem but I only really noticed if I tried to be light on...
+31 Score 42 Replies 25,633 Views
Post #165830563 added 09-15-2023 5:18 AM by jonnydoo in Deal Talk
only because I still suck at fps with a controller.
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