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Post #167698147 added 12-01-2023 11:01 AM by jmhinkle in Deal Talk
Initial impressions of Ryobi 40V and this kit: You are definitely buying this kit for the weedwhacker. It's carbon fiber shaft makes it pretty light and it is the expand-it model which is a big...
Post #167681671 added 11-30-2023 8:53 PM by Xoblaim in Deal Talk
This thing good to dry cars? I have hard water and I don't want to use my plug in blower. If I don't beat the water it will show hard water and it's a pain to get rid of it later.
Post #167647981 added 11-29-2023 7:28 PM by DealSherlock in Deal Talk
I see that now. I just didn’t read. It’s only $50 a hole.
Post #167642206 added 11-29-2023 4:02 PM by evident in Deal Talk
No.... 9 holes, each 4 ft deep. Ain't no way in hell I'd dig that by hand. And I get an auger I can use to dig holes for planting shrubs and trees!
Post #167640613 added 11-29-2023 3:14 PM by DealSherlock in Deal Talk
That’s over 112 bucks a hole!
Post #167635483 added 11-29-2023 12:32 PM by Simeon in Deal Talk
All powertool batteries are over priced. They want you to buy into a kit and then lock you into the system by making you buy "tool only"
Post #167635435 added 11-29-2023 12:31 PM by Simeon in Deal Talk
I've been the same boat, I've got the 525/110 one but I really need an upgrade and I also really need the whisper. The big problem for me is the lack of any 190/730 combos. If there was a crazy deal...
Post #167625760 added 11-29-2023 7:53 AM by no1heretic in Deal Talk
Deal worked on delivery! been checking everyday since the deal was live. today, I found delivery available so bought it!
Post #167623324 added 11-29-2023 6:15 AM by jmhinkle in Deal Talk
Guess I was too early when it was posted in the beginning. I just picked it up as my starter for the 40V line. Had 9 in stock at my store. Got a few other things on pretty good deals. I hope this...
Post #167577076 added 11-27-2023 8:34 PM by spaceistheplace in Deal Talk
what attachments have you guys found the most useful for this? I just can't make up my mind between the Ego set or this Ryobi....watched Project Farm videos...
Post #167539795 added 11-27-2023 7:08 AM by Tristero in Deal Talk
Thanks for the heads up. I found it at another store. I did not realize the batteries are 200 dollars a piece if you buy them alone. Maybe they just want us to get into their ecosystem. I...
Post #167532412 added 11-26-2023 11:56 PM by MarkD77 in Deal Talk
I figure it's probably a little more powerful, but idk from experience. I got this deal because it's the carbon fiber Expand-It trimmer and both are brushelss. I already have the 40v chainsaw and...
Post #167510668 added 11-26-2023 1:33 PM by brosiferous in Deal Talk
"Limited Stock" locally, but 5+ available when I went. How does the 18v HP string trimmer compare to the 40v HP? I'm already on the 18v ecosystem, would rather not bring on another set of batteries...
Post #167504113 added 11-26-2023 10:46 AM by daddyscientist in Deal Talk
This is a great deal if you are in the 40v line but make sure you know before you purchase this isn't compatible with the massively popular One+ line. Someone unsuspecting may order this thinking it...
Post #167499817 added 11-26-2023 9:07 AM by xlnc in Deal Talk
The attachment capability should really be a highlighted feature, but even the Home Depot item description buries it in the details.
Post #167487412 added 11-25-2023 9:51 PM by HondaBoy619 in Deal Talk
Picked up one at my local store today. Great deal. Did some research and looks like this is a really good deal and capable trimmer and blower
Post #167486269 added 11-25-2023 9:09 PM by paliknight in Deal Talk
military discount applies!
Post #167484649 added 11-25-2023 8:17 PM by zjl23 in Deal Talk
Battery is good for very small lawns and trimming. Blower is handy for blowing out garage and keeping porch clean. Not for fall cleanup. Know their limits and they are great. Just don't expect them...
Post #167479369 added 11-25-2023 5:42 PM by Penrph in Deal Talk
we have the 730CFM blower and it eats through batteries. Ours came with 2. Of course it was more expensive.
Post #167477653 added 11-25-2023 4:44 PM by miniion26 in Deal Talk
$30 for 2 years, iirc.
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