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+16 Score 29 Replies 15,342 Views
Post #169472983 added 02-26-2024 9:59 AM by slickfm in Deal Talk
This. IK puts stuff on sale at crazy discounts quite often will little rhyme or reason. I started with a free version of AmpliTube and liked what I heard. I got AmpliTube 5 MAX for $175 ($199 - $25...
+16 Score 29 Replies 15,342 Views
Post #169323985 added 02-17-2024 2:32 PM by NeoSlick in Deal Talk
LOL. I bought a replacement part deal online from Sweetwater and I'm very happy with it; but have not seen any other bargains usually. However; I was extremely impressed with how helpful, and...
+16 Score 29 Replies 15,342 Views
Post #169310071 added 02-16-2024 6:00 PM by NeoSlick in Deal Talk
Wouldn't you rather not wait or depend on anyone for your sims, for free? No one has to SWITCH away from or delete any system they have bought. You can run two OS systems on one computer, if you do...
+16 Score 29 Replies 15,342 Views
Post #169293217 added 02-15-2024 8:03 PM by NavySardine761 in Deal Talk
I own many products by both This is a guitar centric product, and a bit unrelated but TONEX is the greatest guitar product to come out in over 10 years. Arturia doesn't even attempt to play in...
+16 Score 29 Replies 15,342 Views
Post #169293049 added 02-15-2024 7:51 PM by NeoSlick in Deal Talk
No is not a hard sell. It's a free OS and with many more groups of apps other than musical or guitar, loopers, syths, DAW's, open IR's, amp sims, effects (ALL of them), and much more...
+16 Score 29 Replies 15,342 Views
Post #169291222 added 02-15-2024 5:40 PM by margopogo in Deal Talk
They always make me feel so bad by asking things like, "so, have you been playing a lot of music lately?"
+16 Score 29 Replies 15,342 Views
Post #169289314 added 02-15-2024 3:34 PM by frankzen in Deal Talk
I'm a Linux lover too but except for REAPER, I still think it's a hard sell for most. My IK rig is the piece I miss most. I think the models are really good. I just haven't been able to have as...
+16 Score 29 Replies 15,342 Views
Post #169289182 added 02-15-2024 3:26 PM by frankzen in Deal Talk
I just wait for promotions to get the others on the cheap. I pretty much own the whole kit by buying piecemeal incrementally. It's actually been a couple of years since I've had to buy anything...
+16 Score 29 Replies 15,342 Views
Post #169287850 added 02-15-2024 2:04 PM by thesandman00 in Deal Talk
It's a little annoying, but I think the only difference is the Mesa 2 pack is included with v2 right? Maybe one other pack too. Otherwise, functionally the same.
+16 Score 29 Replies 15,342 Views
Post #169286458 added 02-15-2024 1:00 PM by NeoSlick in Deal Talk
What did I win then? You're lack of helpful post can only infer there's something wrong with a recommendation for the general user buyer. What I recommend and have experience with is actually the...
+16 Score 29 Replies 15,342 Views
Post #169285249 added 02-15-2024 12:14 PM by pm11088 in Deal Talk
Hmm, what guitar and amp do you recommend? (I'll bet it's an Indio Cali and Stage Right / Monoprice 15w tube amp)
+16 Score 29 Replies 15,342 Views
Post #169284481 added 02-15-2024 11:35 AM by DGLAND in Deal Talk
Im a loyal customer but freaking tired of different purchases... already have AT5 max but another maxv2 for a few more stuff? Being trolled.
+16 Score 29 Replies 15,342 Views
Post #169284181 added 02-15-2024 11:19 AM by sugarhigh4242 in Deal Talk
I haven't had a good experience with IK Multimedia software projects. I'm spoiled by Arturia's software which is both much higher quality and more permissive/user-friend. IK stuff is kinda junk by...
+16 Score 29 Replies 15,342 Views
Post #169283554 added 02-15-2024 10:45 AM by gmr2048 in Deal Talk
Focusrite Scarlett is pretty highly regarded for home use. I have an older PreSonus 2-input that is similar, but has recently introduced a ton of pops/clicks that weren't there before. I'm going to...
+16 Score 29 Replies 15,342 Views
Post #169283227 added 02-15-2024 10:31 AM by frankzen in Deal Talk
Different animal. This is an amp sim kit. I actually really like it. I own most of them from their various promotions but really can't use it since I switched to Linux. I might try to see if I...
+16 Score 29 Replies 15,342 Views
Post #169283164 added 02-15-2024 10:29 AM by gmr2048 in Deal Talk
Reaper has a free trial...I think it's 30 days. After that you're supposed to purchase it for $60 (totally worth it). It has a "I'm still evaluating" banner at startup, but nothing but your...
+16 Score 29 Replies 15,342 Views
Post #169282990 added 02-15-2024 10:20 AM by MrShawn in Deal Talk
Give the local police dept number to places you don't trust with info.
+16 Score 29 Replies 15,342 Views
Post #169282975 added 02-15-2024 10:20 AM by MrShawn in Deal Talk
Do I remember that reaper is free?
+16 Score 29 Replies 15,342 Views
Post #169282963 added 02-15-2024 10:19 AM by luckygecko in Deal Talk
Good, because Sweetwater will cold call me for months afterword.
+16 Score 29 Replies 15,342 Views
Post #169280272 added 02-15-2024 8:12 AM by JM1304 in Deal Talk
What's the best device to use to setup your guitar to interface with amplitude that doesnt add a delay?
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