expired Posted by niki4h | Staff • Dec 21, 2021
Dec 21, 2021 3:19 PM
Item 1 of 5
Item 1 of 5
expired Posted by niki4h | Staff • Dec 21, 2021
Dec 21, 2021 3:19 PM
Rocketbook Smart Notebooks Ultimate Bundle
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The rocketbook has been able to bridge much of the gap, because I can quickly upload to a student's google doc (as well as a parent's), and they will have a perfect scan, complete with collated copies and proper filing, etc. I benefit during a tutoring session because we can FLIP and refer back to things between pages of written notes. It is hard to organically know which page I need to go to on a computer. Id have to CTRL+F all day.
In a vacuum, however, the ipad is the superior note taking product, and I have some students who really know their way around notability with their apple pencils. However, this is because those students use the ipad for EVERY class and that norm is established. Good luck doing that for others who dont known the ipad, let alone use it enough for SCHOOL to actually learn it for note taking.
Time is money, and when youre dealing with luddite students and parents, the rocketbook has been a good middle ground. The app is almost brainless (until you get fancy with the filing system) and you have turnitin-level accounbability with uploads.
My maim gripes are the pens (they cost quite a bit and run out quickly) and the method of erasing (you use a wet cloth...you CAN use the eraser, but it isnt pretty). I have multiple books so I only worry about erasing at the end of the day...
Hope this helps some of you.
However I find it quite annoying that you have to erase with a wet cloth instead of the eraser on the pen. It's such a hassle to bring a wet cloth with you all the time to take notes.
Unless you really want the feeling of writing on actual paper. I think a tablet is always a better way to go paperless.
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Our community has rated this post as helpful. If you agree, why not thank MMMuzzy
However I find it quite annoying that you have to erase with a wet cloth instead of the eraser on the pen. It's such a hassle to bring a wet cloth with you all the time to take notes.
Unless you really want the feeling of writing on actual paper. I think a tablet is always a better way to go paperless.
Our community has rated this post as helpful. If you agree, why not thank JollyFang379
Our community has rated this post as helpful. If you agree, why not thank starcaptor
The rocketbook has been able to bridge much of the gap, because I can quickly upload to a student's google doc (as well as a parent's), and they will have a perfect scan, complete with collated copies and proper filing, etc. I benefit during a tutoring session because we can FLIP and refer back to things between pages of written notes. It is hard to organically know which page I need to go to on a computer. Id have to CTRL+F all day.
In a vacuum, however, the ipad is the superior note taking product, and I have some students who really know their way around notability with their apple pencils. However, this is because those students use the ipad for EVERY class and that norm is established. Good luck doing that for others who dont known the ipad, let alone use it enough for SCHOOL to actually learn it for note taking.
Time is money, and when youre dealing with luddite students and parents, the rocketbook has been a good middle ground. The app is almost brainless (until you get fancy with the filing system) and you have turnitin-level accounbability with uploads.
My maim gripes are the pens (they cost quite a bit and run out quickly) and the method of erasing (you use a wet cloth...you CAN use the eraser, but it isnt pretty). I have multiple books so I only worry about erasing at the end of the day...
Hope this helps some of you.
However I find it quite annoying that you have to erase with a wet cloth instead of the eraser on the pen. It's such a hassle to bring a wet cloth with you all the time to take notes.
Unless you really want the feeling of writing on actual paper. I think a tablet is always a better way to go paperless.
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The rocketbook has been able to bridge much of the gap, because I can quickly upload to a student's google doc (as well as a parent's), and they will have a perfect scan, complete with collated copies and proper filing, etc. I benefit during a tutoring session because we can FLIP and refer back to things between pages of written notes. It is hard to organically know which page I need to go to on a computer. Id have to CTRL+F all day.
In a vacuum, however, the ipad is the superior note taking product, and I have some students who really know their way around notability with their apple pencils. However, this is because those students use the ipad for EVERY class and that norm is established. Good luck doing that for others who dont known the ipad, let alone use it enough for SCHOOL to actually learn it for note taking.
Time is money, and when youre dealing with luddite students and parents, the rocketbook has been a good middle ground. The app is almost brainless (until you get fancy with the filing system) and you have turnitin-level accounbability with uploads.
My maim gripes are the pens (they cost quite a bit and run out quickly) and the method of erasing (you use a wet cloth...you CAN use the eraser, but it isnt pretty). I have multiple books so I only worry about erasing at the end of the day...
Hope this helps some of you.
I bought a few in November (Woot deal for about $20). My kids love it but mostly drawing and making todo list, gifted the others.
I should remind my middle schooler to use it for note-taking.
All of the other comments are spot on.
So, depends on what you're looking to use it for, how much space you have, and how much note taking you do in a given day/week.
Our community has rated this post as helpful. If you agree, why not thank considerphi
Now I use this and most of it i wipe out, a few i upload to my work computer. I can use the same book for work/home/crafts. A lot less books lying around, paper wastage, and I still get the utility I need. For me, scribbling a flow chart on paper always feels faster and more organic than on a tablet/computer. Additionally I'm tired of keeping things charged and updated. It's nice not to have to worry about that with this.
Just know, it's not magic, it's a "whiteboard" notebook, with a scanning app.
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