Woot has select
Woot! T-Shirts/Apparel on sale for
Buy One, Get One Free (
discount applied at checkout) valid for
Amazon Prime Members only when you
add two or more qualifying Shirt.Woot Apparel Items to cart (
Up to 10 items) w/ prices starting
2 for
Shipping is free.
Thanks to SD Staff
f12_26 for finding this deal
Note, must login to your Amazon Prime account for discount to apply at checkout.
Available Categories - Don't have Amazon Prime? Students can get a free 6-Month Amazon Prime trial with free 2-day shipping, unlimited video streaming & more
- If you're not a student, there's also a free 1-Month Amazon Prime trial available
- Must login to your Amazon account w/ an active Prime Membership for discount to apply at checkout
- Woot apparel item includes t-shirt, long sleeve tees, sweatshirts, hoodies, tank tops, zip hoodies and more (prices will vary)
- Minimum purchase of 2 shirts id required to receive discount
- Offer valid through October 11, 2022 or while promotional offer/discount last
Additional Notes- Please refer to the forum thread for additional details - Discombobulated
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