Amazon has for
Select Amazon Prime Members: 112-Count Tide PODS Laundry Detergent (Spring Meadow) on sale for
$15.07 when you follow the steps below.
Shipping is free.
Thanks to Community Members
KYBOSH, nikhilkamath08 and
sdaaronr for sharing this deal.
- Note: You must be logged into your account. Coupons are typically one use per account. You may cancel your Subscribe & Save subscription any time after your order ships. Both coupons are Targeted and will depend on your account!
- If you are having trouble finding or clipping these coupons you may try using a Desktop Computer instead of a Mobile Device or App, per some thread comments users are having greater success this way.
- Go to the Product Page Here
- Under Subscribe & Save, clip the 25% Off Prime Only Coupon
- Clip the $4 Off Tide Pods coupon from here
- This may also be available to clip under the One-Time Purchase option on the page.
- Once both coupons are clipped & applied, checkout with Subscribe & Save
- Your total should be $15.07 with free shipping.
Top Comments
First, add to the cart as a one time purchase. You will get an option to clip 20% off coupon and then upon checkout mark it as subscribe and save. You will see the offer being replicated as mentioned by OP. It would come upto $15.07 plus tax.
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Our community has rated this post as helpful. If you agree, why not thank nikhilkamath08
First, add to the cart as a one time purchase. You will get an option to clip 20% off coupon and then upon checkout mark it as subscribe and save. You will see the offer being replicated as mentioned by OP. It would come upto $15.07 plus tax.
Still $16.34 with 15% off s and s
First, add to the cart as a one time purchase. You will get an option to clip 20% off coupon and then upon checkout mark it as subscribe and save. You will see the offer being replicated as mentioned by OP. It would come upto $15.07 plus tax.
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Still $16.34 with 15% off s and s
The step-by-step strategy a few posts up doesn't work on mobile iOS Amazon app. I was only able to get this to work with all three discounts (the 20% coupon and 25% coupon and S&S discount) on a PC browser. Hope this helps someone.