Elegoo [elegoo.com]has a
2 Pack of the UNO Project Super Starter Kit w/Tutorials and UNO R3 Board Compatible with Arduino IDE for $85.98 - $30.09 w/code
35OFFSTEM = $55.89.
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Each Set Includes:
- 1x UNO R3 Controller Board; 1x LCD1602 Module ( with pin header); 1x Breadboard Expansion Board; 1x Power Supply Module (WARNING: Pls. do not use the voltage higher than 9V)
- 1x Joystick Module; 1x IR Receiver; 1x Servo Motor (SG90); 1x Stepper Motor; 1x ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver Board
- 1x Ultrasonic Sensor;1x DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module; 1x 9V Battery with DC; 1x 65 Jumper Wire
- 1x USB Cable; 1x Active Buzzer; 1x Passive Buzzer; 1x Potentiometer; 1x 5V Relay
- 1x Breadboard; 1x Remote; 1x Tilt Switch; 5x Button (small); 1x 1 digit 7-segment Display; 1x 4 digit 7-segment Display
- 5x Yellow LED; 5x Blue LED; 5x Green LED; 5x Red LED; 1x RGB LED
- 2x Photoresistor; 1x Thermistor; 2x Diode Rectifier (1N4007); 2x NPN Transistor (PN2222)
- 1x IC 74HC595; 120x Resistor; 10x Female-to-male Dupont Wire
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