From wirecutter: "The Airthings View Plus monitors more air-quality conditions than any other device we've tested: CO2, VOCs, PM2.5 (fine particles), radon, humidity, temperature, and air pressure. For information-at-a-glance, Its readings are displayed on a screen on the device itself, and any concerns are indicated via a green-yellow-red LED. The companion Airthings app is easy to set up and sync with the device. It lets you check your air quality when you're away from home (or just in another room), and displays trend data via simple graphs, which can help pinpoint sources and patterns of air pollution (like rush-hour traffic, for example) so that you can take steps to mitigate chronic issues. The View Plus, unlike inexpensive monitors, uses high-quality sensors, like an NDIR (nondispersive infrared) CO2 sensor; reliable and robust, these have an expected lifespan of seven years."
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Note these devices are consumables as they require a fan to blow air into a sensor.
IKEAs is good but doesn't do Radon
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