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frontpage Posted by fomenter23 • Sep 14, 2021
frontpage Posted by fomenter23 • Sep 14, 2021

Educators: Complimentary Oil Change at Participating Mazda Dealers (ID Req.)

through 9/30/2021


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Deal Details
Participating Mazda Dealers offer Complimentary Oil Change, Vehicle Cleaning and Inspection for Educators on most makes/models of cars when you follow the instructions below to schedule service.
  • Note: Documentation that clearly reflects proof of occupation within 12 months of the service date required. Examples include ID card with person's name and name of education facility, pay stub or ID badge
Thanks to community member fomenter23 for finding this deal.

Deal Instructions:
  1. Go to Mazda Educator's Appreciation Program
  2. Scroll down and click 'Schedule a Service'
  3. Enter Zip Code for Local Dealerships
  4. Click on a Dealership
  5. Enter Make / Year / Model / Mileage (approximate)
  6. Click Next
  7. Choose: Essential Car Care Program - Educator's Free Oil Change, car wash and interior cleaning and vehicle inspection (participating dealers)
  8. Schedule your appointment
  9. Enter your contact information
  10. Book the Service
  11. Be sure to bring documentation that clearly reflects proof of occupation within 12 months of the service date

Editor's Notes

Written by megakimcheelove | Staff
  • About this deal:
    • Promotion valid through 9/30/2021
    • Excludes: exotic vehicles, classic car vehicles, off-road vehicles, and vehicles with greater than 8-quart engine oil capacity or any other vehicles with special manufacturer requirements or that require specialized tools or training
    • Eligible Customers include: Active teachers, professors, teaching assistants, teaching aids, administrators, coaches, school support staff (e.g., custodial staff, bus drivers, office staff, etc.) within 12 months of the service date.
    • Eligible Educational Facilities include: Public, private, or parochial pre-school, elementary, middle or high school, academy, charter school, prep school, boarding school, college (e.g., career, community, junior, technical), university, post-graduate studies (e.g., master's, doctorate, law, medical, veterinary degrees, etc.)

Original Post

Written by fomenter23
Community Notes
About the Poster
Deal Details
Community Notes
About the Poster
Participating Mazda Dealers offer Complimentary Oil Change, Vehicle Cleaning and Inspection for Educators on most makes/models of cars when you follow the instructions below to schedule service.
  • Note: Documentation that clearly reflects proof of occupation within 12 months of the service date required. Examples include ID card with person's name and name of education facility, pay stub or ID badge
Thanks to community member fomenter23 for finding this deal.

Deal Instructions:
  1. Go to Mazda Educator's Appreciation Program
  2. Scroll down and click 'Schedule a Service'
  3. Enter Zip Code for Local Dealerships
  4. Click on a Dealership
  5. Enter Make / Year / Model / Mileage (approximate)
  6. Click Next
  7. Choose: Essential Car Care Program - Educator's Free Oil Change, car wash and interior cleaning and vehicle inspection (participating dealers)
  8. Schedule your appointment
  9. Enter your contact information
  10. Book the Service
  11. Be sure to bring documentation that clearly reflects proof of occupation within 12 months of the service date

Editor's Notes

Written by megakimcheelove | Staff
  • About this deal:
    • Promotion valid through 9/30/2021
    • Excludes: exotic vehicles, classic car vehicles, off-road vehicles, and vehicles with greater than 8-quart engine oil capacity or any other vehicles with special manufacturer requirements or that require specialized tools or training
    • Eligible Customers include: Active teachers, professors, teaching assistants, teaching aids, administrators, coaches, school support staff (e.g., custodial staff, bus drivers, office staff, etc.) within 12 months of the service date.
    • Eligible Educational Facilities include: Public, private, or parochial pre-school, elementary, middle or high school, academy, charter school, prep school, boarding school, college (e.g., career, community, junior, technical), university, post-graduate studies (e.g., master's, doctorate, law, medical, veterinary degrees, etc.)

Original Post

Written by fomenter23

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Mazda is one of the most underrated brands in the market!
LOL, people attempt to make a word plural by adding 's. It's Mazdas.
I personally don't like to go to the dealers unless it's covered under warranty or it's something that requires specialized equipment.


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Sep 20, 2021
9,740 Posts
Joined Oct 2011
Sep 20, 2021
Sep 20, 2021
9,740 Posts
Quote from psyctto :
from one engineer to another...
you're an idiot.

you've gota be one of these new fresh-out kids that thinks he deserves his own all-hands meeting to congratulate him on every meaningless spreadsheet he poorly pumps out... get back to work and concentrate on being a better engineer.

you know what i need on my team? competent engineers, not recognition.
Well said
Sep 20, 2021
677 Posts
Joined Dec 2018
Sep 20, 2021
Sep 20, 2021
677 Posts
Quote from MadPup :
Auto mechanics has become an almost college level subject now because of the amount of computerization that has happened over the last 25 years. Basic auto maintenance should be taught as part of home economics together with living within your means and how to eat healthily. Is home economics even a thing now?

Too many people in the US don't want to invest in the next generation for the same reason they don't want universal health care. They live for today, f' tomorrow, and f' everyone else.
Home Economics isn't on any standardized tests so it's long gone.
Sep 20, 2021
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Joined Dec 2018
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Sep 20, 2021
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Quote from iceman157 :
I'm going to rant here a little bit but it's a little disappointing how everybody wants to thank educators or healthcare workers but you never hear anybody thanking engineers. I appreciate the work educators and healthcare workers do but engineers design and build bridges, cars, electronics, fighter jets, ships, etc. They build the medical devices that help healthcare workers. They build the online tools and iPads and PCs that educators use. Why do we not see any sort of "thanks" given to engineers?

p.s. before somebody jumps in and says "engineers are paid more"...let's not forget that nurses and doctors are paid equal or more than engineers. Deans of colleges and professors (a.k.a educators) also make more than engineers.
I think you missed r/unpopularopinion.
As a medical device engineer who worked on a pandemic related device and saw our sales hit hard by canceled elective surgeries... Healthcare and teachers got it MUCH, MUCH, MUCH worse. I get it, everyone wants a pat on the back but this is a bad take.
Sep 21, 2021
3 Posts
Joined Sep 2016
Sep 21, 2021
Sep 21, 2021
3 Posts
I just want to share my experience. I made the reservation for this educator oil change at the local Mazda dealership and it's confirmed with a confirmation number. I went today and waited for like 20 mins. Then a staff greeted me and told me the educator promotion has been already over for over two weeks and they cannot do it anymore. I said but I have a reservation online with a confirmation number. They said sorry there is nothing they can do. it's over….My location is at Ocean Mazda at the Doral Miami Florida. Although it's a free courtesy service, still a little bit disappointed after this experience
Last edited by panyue3001 September 21, 2021 at 11:08 AM.
Sep 21, 2021
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Sep 21, 2021
Sep 21, 2021
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Surprisingly they won't change the 16 qts in my Superduty?:-(
Sep 23, 2021
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Sep 23, 2021
Sep 23, 2021
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Quote from panyue3001 :
I just want to share my experience. I made the reservation for this educator oil change at the local Mazda dealership and it's confirmed with a confirmation number. I went today and waited for like 20 mins. Then a staff greeted me and told me the educator promotion has been already over for over two weeks and they cannot do it anymore. I said but I have a reservation online with a confirmation number. They said sorry there is nothing they can do. it's over….My location is at Ocean Mazda at the Doral Miami Florida. Although it's a free courtesy service, still a little bit disappointed after this experience
I just cancelled my appointment, thanks for your experience.
Sep 24, 2021
365 Posts
Joined Nov 2013
Sep 24, 2021
Sep 24, 2021
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I'm guessing it's YMMV. My local Mazda's website states that the program is only valid until august. I was able to make an appointment regardless. I called them and they said they still honor the program until Sept 30. It was supposed to end on August but they extended it. He wasn't sure if they'll extend it beyond september

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Sep 24, 2021
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Sep 24, 2021
Sep 24, 2021
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Quote from fomenter23 :
Mazda is one of the most underrated brands in the market!
Mazdas are fords with a different badge, same engines, same infotainment
Sep 24, 2021
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Sep 24, 2021
Sep 24, 2021
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Quote from MadPup :
Learn to change your own oil and don't let anyone else with a wrench within 10 feet of it.
Make oil changes easy by buying a car with easy access to the oil filter (such as at the top of the engine) and make changes super easy by replacing the drain plug with a fumoto valve.
Avoid having to use a jack and stands by using Rhino Ramps.
Change your oil regularly, use good quality oil and filters, and dump used oil at your local auto store.
Even if this is the only regular maintenance you ever do for your car you'll be well ahead in the game.
Other maintenance can be done on a needs basis and if you have a good car (Japanese preferably) needs should not be great.

I had a Camry for 10 years and only ever changed the oil, tires, and battery.
I had some run-ins with bad garages in the early days but I caught the issues quickly and learned my lesson.
First hand I have seen drain plugs that were loose and fell out after the oil change.
I have seen drain plugs where the head was wrung off them because they were overtightened.
I've had splash shields hanging off and broken and I've had the air filter housing left open after an oil change.
During an oil change I had on guy try to convince me I needed a transmission flush on my Camry with 20K miles because he said he didn't like the smell of the fluid.
I could go on...
I'm sure there are good mechanics in this country but you generally won't find them just changing oil.
Good post! I work in auto shop and we take used waste oil for free, it keeps us warm all winter, we burn it in waste oil furnace!
Sep 24, 2021
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Sep 24, 2021
Sep 24, 2021
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Quote from Slickd3aler :
Why can't they offer this to first responders and nurses as well? This is a whole lot better than the measly discount on crap for first responders and nurses.
Why can't they offer a free physical to us "essential worker" auto techs?
Sep 24, 2021
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Joined May 2014
Sep 24, 2021
Sep 24, 2021
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I was successfully able to take advantage for my wife's CX5 Signature. Free full synthetic oil change and they even provided free valet service so we didn't have to leave home. I'm in the DFW area.