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  • Walmart: Up to $1K in Bill Credit Towards AT&T S24+ / iPhone 16 Pro w/ Trade-In from Free w/ 36-Mo. Plan + Up to $500 Walmart GC (Verizon & AT&T)
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expired Posted by csekharp06 • Nov 21, 2024
expired Posted by csekharp06 • Nov 21, 2024

Walmart: Up to $1K in Bill Credit Towards AT&T S24+ / iPhone 16 Pro w/ Trade-In

+ Up to $500 Walmart GC (Verizon & AT&T)

from Free w/ 36-Mo. Plan

1,262 Comments 429,938 Views
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Deal Details
Update: This popular deal is still available.

Walmart offers Up to $1,000 Off AT&T Apple iPhone 16 Pro / 16 Pro Max or Samsung Galaxy S24 Plus / S24 Ultra via monthly Bill Credits over 36 months when purchased/activated on a qualifying AT&T postpaid line & Trade-In of an eligible device. Click here to see complete offer details. A $35 Activation Fee will also apply. Shipping is free.

Also available:
  • Verizon & AT&T Postpaid Customers: Get up to a $500 Walmart eGift Card with the purchase/activation of select eligible smartphones on AT&T or Verizon. This gift card offer is valid for both trade-in and non-trade in orders (trade-in/bill credit offer only valid on select iPhone 16 / Galaxy S24 models when activating on AT&T, as noted below).
Thanks to community member csekharp06 for posting this deal.
  • Offer valid for new and existing customers.
Eligible for Bill Credits (w/ $1,000 max trade-in value applied):
  • Galaxy S24 Plus (AT&T)
    • from $27.75/mo. - $27.75 monthly bill credit (via $1,000 bill credit w/ trade-in) = $0/mo. (over 36 months) + Get $400 Walmart eGift Card
  • Galaxy S24 Ultra (AT&T)
    • from $36.09/mo. - $27.78 monthly bill credit (via $1,000 bill credit w/ trade-in) = $8.31/month (over 36 months = ~$299 total) + Get $500 Walmart eGift Card
  • iPhone 16 Pro (AT&T)
    • from $27.75/mo. - $27.75 monthly bill credit (via $1,000 bill credit w/ trade-in) = $0/month (over 36 months) + Get $300 Walmart eGift Card
  • iPhone 16 Pro Max (AT&T)
    • from $33.31/mo. - $27.78 monthly bill credit (via $1,000 bill credit w/ trade-in) = $5.53/month (over 36 months = ~$199 total) + Get $300 Walmart eGift Card

Bill Credit Details
  • Galaxy S24 Plus / S24 Ultra offer
    • Up to $1000 in bill credits with trade-in of an eligible smartphone with a trade-in value of $95 or higher.
    • Up to $800 in bill credits with trade-in of an eligible smartphone with trade-in value of $35-94.
  • iPhone 16 Pro / 16 Pro Max offer
    • Up to $1000 in bill credits with trade-in of an eligible smartphone with a trade-in value of $230 or higher
    • Up to $700 in bill credits with smartphone trade-in value of $130-$229
    • Up to $350 in bill credits with smartphone trade-in value of $35 to $129
  • Click here to see a complete list of eligible trade-in devices + trade-in values
  • You will receive up to $1,000 in bill credits applied as a monthly credit over 36 months applied to your bill for the device payment portion.
Offer Details:
  • Follow the trade-in instructions provided by AT&T to send in your device within 30 days of purchase. Trade-in devices must be in good cosmetic & working condition (no cracked screens, water damage, broken buttons, etc.).
  • Bill credits will begin to apply to your account within 3 billing cycles.
  • If you cancel service before the 36 month period is fulfilled, you will forfeit any bill credits that had not yet been applied; and you will be required to pay any remaining balance owed for the device.
  • Credit check required for new customers.
  • Walmart eGift Card will be sent via email within 24 hours of phone activation for in-store purchases & within 20 days after phone shipment for online purchases.

Editor's Notes

Written by oceanlake | Staff
  • About this deal:
    • Walmart Gift Card Offer: Online Purchase must occur between 12PM ET November 25, 2024 for Walmart+ members (all other customers begin at 3PM ET), through 11:59PM PT December 2, 2024. In-store customers can purchase starting 6AM local time November 25, 2024 through 11:59pm local time December 8, 2024.
    • Please see the original post for additional details & give the WIKI and additional forum comments a read for helpful discussion.

Original Post

Written by csekharp06
Community Notes
About the Poster
Deal Details
Community Notes
About the Poster
Update: This popular deal is still available.

Walmart offers Up to $1,000 Off AT&T Apple iPhone 16 Pro / 16 Pro Max or Samsung Galaxy S24 Plus / S24 Ultra via monthly Bill Credits over 36 months when purchased/activated on a qualifying AT&T postpaid line & Trade-In of an eligible device. Click here to see complete offer details. A $35 Activation Fee will also apply. Shipping is free.

Also available:
  • Verizon & AT&T Postpaid Customers: Get up to a $500 Walmart eGift Card with the purchase/activation of select eligible smartphones on AT&T or Verizon. This gift card offer is valid for both trade-in and non-trade in orders (trade-in/bill credit offer only valid on select iPhone 16 / Galaxy S24 models when activating on AT&T, as noted below).
Thanks to community member csekharp06 for posting this deal.
  • Offer valid for new and existing customers.
Eligible for Bill Credits (w/ $1,000 max trade-in value applied):
  • Galaxy S24 Plus (AT&T)
    • from $27.75/mo. - $27.75 monthly bill credit (via $1,000 bill credit w/ trade-in) = $0/mo. (over 36 months) + Get $400 Walmart eGift Card
  • Galaxy S24 Ultra (AT&T)
    • from $36.09/mo. - $27.78 monthly bill credit (via $1,000 bill credit w/ trade-in) = $8.31/month (over 36 months = ~$299 total) + Get $500 Walmart eGift Card
  • iPhone 16 Pro (AT&T)
    • from $27.75/mo. - $27.75 monthly bill credit (via $1,000 bill credit w/ trade-in) = $0/month (over 36 months) + Get $300 Walmart eGift Card
  • iPhone 16 Pro Max (AT&T)
    • from $33.31/mo. - $27.78 monthly bill credit (via $1,000 bill credit w/ trade-in) = $5.53/month (over 36 months = ~$199 total) + Get $300 Walmart eGift Card

Bill Credit Details
  • Galaxy S24 Plus / S24 Ultra offer
    • Up to $1000 in bill credits with trade-in of an eligible smartphone with a trade-in value of $95 or higher.
    • Up to $800 in bill credits with trade-in of an eligible smartphone with trade-in value of $35-94.
  • iPhone 16 Pro / 16 Pro Max offer
    • Up to $1000 in bill credits with trade-in of an eligible smartphone with a trade-in value of $230 or higher
    • Up to $700 in bill credits with smartphone trade-in value of $130-$229
    • Up to $350 in bill credits with smartphone trade-in value of $35 to $129
  • Click here to see a complete list of eligible trade-in devices + trade-in values
  • You will receive up to $1,000 in bill credits applied as a monthly credit over 36 months applied to your bill for the device payment portion.
Offer Details:
  • Follow the trade-in instructions provided by AT&T to send in your device within 30 days of purchase. Trade-in devices must be in good cosmetic & working condition (no cracked screens, water damage, broken buttons, etc.).
  • Bill credits will begin to apply to your account within 3 billing cycles.
  • If you cancel service before the 36 month period is fulfilled, you will forfeit any bill credits that had not yet been applied; and you will be required to pay any remaining balance owed for the device.
  • Credit check required for new customers.
  • Walmart eGift Card will be sent via email within 24 hours of phone activation for in-store purchases & within 20 days after phone shipment for online purchases.

Editor's Notes

Written by oceanlake | Staff
  • About this deal:
    • Walmart Gift Card Offer: Online Purchase must occur between 12PM ET November 25, 2024 for Walmart+ members (all other customers begin at 3PM ET), through 11:59PM PT December 2, 2024. In-store customers can purchase starting 6AM local time November 25, 2024 through 11:59pm local time December 8, 2024.
    • Please see the original post for additional details & give the WIKI and additional forum comments a read for helpful discussion.

Original Post

Written by csekharp06

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About to say that only ATT and Verizon, No Tmobile. Past experience of buying phones thru Walmart's partner is a pain. Long wait times and don't get what you want when it is our turn.
Not that good of a deal. Even if you got $1500, you are stuck with an expensive plan for 36 months ($2735). Not to mention, the credit requires a trade-in, and unless you trade in a high value phone, you won't get much back. You are better off selling your phone and catching a good sale (or port in deals) to score a discounted phone and use a cheap plan. Nowadays, you can get unlimited plans for $20-25. So, your plan cost in 36 months will be only $900. You also won't be stuck with a plan/carrier, so you'll be able to take advantages of port-in deals along the way, and you'll have the freedom of switching/upgrading your phone whenever you please (and sell your old phone before its value goes down).
$500 Walmart e-gift card offer available November 25, 2024 at 12PM ET with Walmart+ Early Access. Save up to $1,000 in bill credits with eligible trade-in. Offer ends on December 8, 2024 11:59PM local time. Limited quantities. Offer valid on eligible phone with qualifying purchase. Products, carriers, coverage, and colors may vary by store. Additional limitations may apply.

Walmart Gift Card Offer Details: Walmart Gift Offer available for AT&T and Verizon purchases. Requires installment activation of eligible phone on either AT&T or Verizon payment plan. Online Purchase must occur between 12PM ET November 25, 2024 for Walmart+ members, all other customers begin at 3PM ET, through 11:59PM local time December 2, 2024. In-store customers can purchase starting 6AM local time November 25, 2024 through 11:59pm local time December 8, 2024.
How to get up to $1,500 with Samsung Galaxy S24+ and AT&T Trade-in:

Purchase Samsung Galaxy S24+ on installment with activation on qualifying AT&T unlimited plan
Save up to $1,000: bill credits of $27.78/month over 36 months with trade-in of an eligible smartphone valued at $95 or higher for Samsung Galaxy S24+
$500 Walmart eGift Card (does not require trade-in)
How to get up to $1,300 with Apple iPhone 16 Pro or 16 Pro Max and AT&T Trade-in:

Purchase Apple iPhone 16 Pro, Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max, on installment with activation on qualifying AT&T unlimited plan
Save up to $1,000: bill credits of $27.78/month over 36 months with trade-in of eligible smartphone valued at $230 or higher for iPhone 15 Pro or 15 Pro Max.
$300 Walmart eGift Card (does not require trade-in)

List of Qualifying devices and Walmart Gift Card amounts:

Device eGift Card Amount
Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max
Apple iPhone 16 Pro
Apple iPhone 16 Plus
Apple iPhone 16
Apple iPhone 15
Apple iPhone 15 Plus
Apple iPhone 15 Pro
Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max
Samsung Galaxy S24 Plus
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

eGift card is an electronic gift card valid on future purchases. See Gift Card Terms and Conditions or Walmart Associate for eGift card terms. eGift card is sent via email within 24 hours of phone activation for in-store purchases & within 20 days after phone shipment for online purchases.
Carrier Specific Terms & Conditions

Limited time offer.
You'll need to:

Purchase an eligible smartphone on a qualifying installment agreement, including taxes on full retail price (up front) and $35 activation/upgrade fee.
Activate/keep postpaid eligible unlimited voice & data wireless service (min. $75/mo. if new before discounts. Existing customers can add to their current unlimited plan, if eligible, which may be less). AT&T may temporarily slow data speeds if the network is busy.
Trade-in an eligible smartphone in good working condition within 30 days of activation.
Then you'll get:

Up to $1000 in bill credits on iPhone 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max only with smartphone trade-in value of $230 or higher
Up to $700 in bill credits with smartphone trade-in value of $130-$229
Up to $350 in bill credits with smartphone trade-in value of $35 to $129
Important notes:
Discounts: Up to $1000 off on iPhone 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max, and up to $700 off on iPhone 16 and 16 Plus after 36 monthly bill credits.
Purchase Requirements: Eligible smartphone must be purchased and remain on a qualifying 0% APR 36-month installment plan with monthly payments of up to $44.45. $0 down is available for well-qualified customers; others may require a down payment. Other installment options may vary by location. Customers must pay tax on full retail price and an activation/upgrade fee of $35 per line.
Trade-in Requirements: The offer is valid with the trade-in of an eligible smartphone that has a minimum trade-in value of $230 for up to $1000 off iPhone 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max; min $130-$229 for up to $700 off (min. $35 for up to $350 off) iPhone 16 series.
Eligible Plans: The offer requires a postpaid unlimited voice and data plan starting at $75.99/mo. plus taxes and fees before discounts. AT&T may temporarily slow data speeds if the network is busy. See for current unlimited plans. Value Plus, Value Plus VL, and Value Plus Unlimited plans are not eligible.
Offer and requirements subject to change at any time and without notice.
See additional terms

Credits: Credits start within 3 bills and are applied in equal amounts over the installment term. If wireless service is canceled, promo credits will stop, and the remaining balance on the device must be paid. For new lines, must not cancel service on any other line within 90 days or credits may stop. Max discount will not exceed the lower of the device cost or max credit you are eligible for. If customer upgrades or pays up/off the installment agreement early, the credits may stop.
Next Up Anytime: Available with qualifying AT&T Installment plans for additional charge (currently $10/mo). This charge does not apply toward financed device cost balance, is non-refundable. Feature may be canceled at any time resulting in waiver of right to turn in and upgrade during current installment agreement term and promotional credits (if any) on smartphone may be impacted or cancelled. Upgrade eligible after 1 installment and Next Up Anytime payment made and turn-in of qualifying smartphone. Max of 3 upgrades in a 12-month period. Existing Next Up Anytime Customers: To qualify for this offer, must turn-in a qualifying device with minimum 1/3 of existing device balance paid. Must re-add Next Up Anytime on new smartphone. Limits & restr's apply. See for details.

Current trade-in offer may not be available on future iPhone releases. Apple may not release a new iPhone model every year. Next Up Anytime feature may be discontinued at any time.

Eligible Trade-in Devices: To qualify for max credit (based on purchased device), minimum Trade-In value (as defined below) after device condition questions have been answered. Eligible trade-in devices are subject to change at any time and without notice. For terms and to check if your device is eligible, visit

To qualify for $1000 credit off iPhone 16 Pro & 16 Pro Max models, minimum Trade-In value must be $230 or above.
Eligible devices:
Apple iPhone: 13 Pro, 13 Pro Max, 14, 14 Plus, 14 Pro, 14 Pro Max, 15, 15 Plus, 15 Pro, 15 Pro Max
Samsung Galaxy: S23+, S23 Ultra, Z Fold 4, Z Flip5, Z Fold5, S24, S24+, S24 Ultra
Google: Pixel 8 Pro
Other: Moto razr Plus 5G

To qualify for $700 credit, minimum Trade-In value must be $130 or above.
Eligible devices:
Apple iPhone: 12 Pro, 12 Pro Max, 13, 13 Mini, 13 Pro, 13 Pro Max, 14, 14 Plus, 14 Pro, 14 Pro Max, 15, 15 Plus, 15 Pro, 15 Pro Max
Samsung Galaxy: Note20 Ultra, Note20 Ultra 5G, S21 Ultra 5G, S22 5G, S22+ 5G, Z Fold3 5G, S22 Ultra 5G, S23, S23 FE, S23+, S23 Ultra, Z Fold 4, Z Flip5, Z Fold5, S24, S24+, S24 Ultra
Google: Pixel 7, 7a, 7 Pro, 8, 8a, 8 Pro, Fold
Other: OnePlus 11 5G, Moto Razr 2023, Moto razr Plus 5G

To qualify for $350 credit, minimum Trade-In value must be $35 -$129.
Eligible devices:
Apple iPhone: X, XR, XS, XS Max, iPhone SE (2nd Gen), iPhone SE (3rd Gen), 11, 11 Pro, 11 Pro Max, 12 mini, 12
Samsung Galaxy: A23, A23 5G, A53, A54, S10, S10+, S10 5G, S10e, S10 Lite, Note9, Note10, Note10 5G, Note10 Lite, Note10+, Note10+ 5G, Z Flip, Z Flip 5G, S20, S20 5G, S20 FE, S20 FE 5G, S20+, S20+ 5G, S20 Ultra 5G, Note20, Note20 5G, S21 5G, S21+ 5G, S21 FE 5G, Z Flip3 5G, ZFold2 5G, Fold, Fold 5G, M52 5G, Z Flip4
Google: Pixel 4, 4 XL, 4a, 4a 5G, 5, 5a, 6, 6a, 6 Pro
OTHER: OnePlus 7, OnePlus 7 Pro, OnePlus 7 Pro 5G, OnePlus 7T, OnePlus 7T Pro, OnePlus 7T Pro 5G, OnePlus 8 5G, OnePlus 8 Pro, OnePlus 8T, OnePlus 8T+, One Plus 8, OnePlus 9 5G, OnePlus 9 Pro 5G, OnePlus 10 Pro, OnePlus 10T, Moto razr 5G, ZTE Red Magic 3, Asus Rog Phone3, Redmi Note 10 Pro, Moto edge+ 5G UW, Microsoft Surface Duo


Limited time offer.
You'll need to:

Purchase a new eligible smartphone on a qualifying installment plan.
Eligible Purchased Smartphones: Samsung Galaxy S24+ 256GB ($1000), 512GB ($1120), Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 256GB ($1300), 512GB ($1420)
Turn in an eligible Trade-in smartphone w/in 30 days from activation of Purchased smartphone
Trade-in smartphone must meet AT&T Trade-In program requirements.
Eligible Trade-in Smartphones: This is not an early upgrade program. Trade-in device may not be on existing installment plan and trade-in does not relieve obligations under any AT&T installment agreement program or other AT&T Return and Exchange programs. Eligible trade-in devices are subject to change at any time and without notice.

To qualify for max credit of $1000, minimum trade-In value must be $95 or higher after device condition questions have been answered.
Eligible Trade-in devices:
Apple iPhone: XS Max, 11, 11 Pro, 11 Pro Max, iPhone SE (3rd gen), 12, 12 mini, 12 Pro, 12 Pro Max, 13, 13 mini, 13 Pro, 13 Pro Max, 14, 14 Plus, 14 Pro, 14 Pro Max, 15, 15 Plus, 15 Pro, 15 Pro Max
Samsung Galaxy: S20 Ultra 5G, S21 5G, S21 FE 5G, S21+ 5G, S21 Ultra 5G, S22, S22+, S22 Ultra, S23, S23+, S23 Ultra, Note20, Note20 5G, Note20 Ultra, Note20 Ultra 5G, Z Flip3 5G, ZFold2 5G, Z Fold3 5G, Z Flip4, Z Fold4, Flip5, Fold5, S23 FE 5G
Google: Pixel 7, 7 Pro, Fold, 8, 8a, 8 Pro
OTHER: OnePlus 10 Pro, OnePlus 10T, OnePlus 11 5G, Moto Razr 2023, Moto razr Plus 5G

To qualify for max credit $800, minimum trade-In value must be $35 or higher after device condition questions have been answered.
Eligible Trade-in devices:

Apple iPhone: X, XR, XS, iPhone SE (2nd Gen)
Samsung Galaxy: A23, A23 5G, A32, A32 5G, A42 5G, A53, A70, A71, A71 5G, A72, M52 5G, S10, S10+, S10 5G, S10e, S10 Lite, Note9, Note10, Note10 5G, Note 10 Lite, Note10+, Note10+ 5G, Z Flip, Z Flip 5G, S20, S20 5G, S20+, S20+ 5G, S20 FE, S20 FE 5G Z Fold, Z Fold 5G
Google: Pixel 4, 4 XL, 4a, 5, 5a, 6a, 6, 6 Pro
LG: V50 ThinQâ„¢, WINGâ„¢ 5G
OTHER: One Plus 7, OnePlus 7 Pro, OnePlus 7 Pro 5G, OnePlus 7T, OnePlus 7T Pro 5G, OnePlus 8 5G, OnePlus 8 Pro, OnePlus 8T, OnePlus 8T+, One Plus 8, OnePlus 9 5G, OnePlus 9 Pro 5G, Moto Edge, Moto Edge+, Asus Rog Phone 3, ZTE Red Magic 3, Microsoft Surface Duo, Moto razr 5G, Redmi Note 10 Pro, Moto edge+ 5G UW

Must activate phone on qualifying postpaid wireless AT&T unlimited voice and data plan (min. $75.99/mo. if new before discounts. Existing customers can add to their current unlimited plan, if eligible, which may be less.) NOTE: An unlimited plan is NOT required for CRU, FNA, FNS.
Remain active and in good standing on wireless installment agreements for the duration of the installment term.

Additional terms: See for current unlimited plans. Value Plus plan is not eligible. Retired unlimited plans may also qualify (excluding prepaid, session-based, and Data Unlimited at $45/mo. plans). Speed, usage & other restr's apply. For plans available to business customers, see
To qualify for bill credits, wireless line must be on an installment agreement, and remain active & in good standing for 30 days.
Installment agreement starts when device is shipped.
To get all the credits, the discounted device must remain on installment agreement and you must keep eligible service for entire installment term.
If you upgrade or pay up/off the installment agreement on the discounted device early, your credits may cease.
You have 14 days (30 days for FirstNet Agency Paid customers) (30 days for business customers) to exchange or return the smartphone; a restocking fee of up to $55 may apply.
Pricing, promotions, programming, terms & restrictions subject to change & may be modified or terminated at any time without notice. Learn more about the AT&T Trade-in Program by visiting

General Disclaimer

Limited quantities. Products, carriers, coverage, and colors may vary by store. Limit 3 devices per customer. Additional limitations may apply. See Walmart Associate for $0 down and offer details.
Carrier Specific Terms & Conditions
AT&T INSTALLMENT PLAN: Subject to credit approval. Avail. in select locations only. Plans subject to change and may be discontinued at any time. For smartphones only. Tax on sales price due at sale. Credit card may be req'd (except MA, PA, ND). Requires 0% APR 36-month installment agreement and eligible service. Divides sales price (less any down payment) into roughly equal monthly installments. $0 down: Well-qualified customers only. Limit as low as 1 smartphone at $0 down. Down payment: May be required and depends on a variety of factors. Down payment, if required, will be either 15% to 80% of device cost or a dollar amount currently ranging from $200 to $1400 (amount subject to change and may be higher). Examples (amounts approximate): $1099.99 sales price with $0 down is $30.56 per month; with $330 down (30%) is $21.39 per month; or with $600 down is $13.89 per month for 36 months. AT&T Installment Plan with Next Up Anytime: Price includes monthly smartphone installment payment and separate additional $10/month Next Up Anytime upgrade feature charge to be upgrade eligible with turn-in of financed device. Upgrade requires at least one installment and Next Up Anytime payment, account in good standing, turn-in of financed device in good physical and fully functional condition through the AT&T Next Up Anytime early upgrade program (excludes trade in program where you receive an instant credit or AT&T promotion card) and purchase of new eligible smartphone on the AT&T Installment Plan with qualified wireless service. After turn-In, unbilled installments are waived. Next Up Anytime option is $10/ mo., does not apply toward financed device cost balance, is non-refundable and may be canceled at any time resulting in waiver of right to turn in and upgrade during current installment agreement term. Max 3 upgrades with Next Up Anytime in a 12-month period. See and your installment agreement for full details. Service: Eligible postpaid voice and data service is required and extra. Consumers: minimum $50 per month after eligible AutoPay and Paperless billing discount for new customers. Pay $60 per month until discount starts within 2 bills. Existing customers can add to eligible current post-paid plans which may be less. Business customers: minimum $60 per month for new customers on the AT&T Business Unlimited Standard plan after AutoPay and paperless billing discount. Pay $70 per month until discount starts within 2 bills. Other qual. plans avail. & existing customers can add to eligible current plans which may be less. If service cancelled, remaining device cost balance is due. Activation or upgrade fee due at sale or billed: $35. Restocking Fee: Up to $55. Limits: Purchase limit applies. Eligibility, device, line and financing limits & other restr's apply. Promotions, pricing, plan options, products and services, availability, terms & restr's subject to change & may be modified or terminated at any time without notice.

GEN. WIRELESS SVC: Subj. to Consumer Service Agreement
( or for business customers, applicable wireless service agreement. Credit approval req'd. Services not for resale. Deposit: May apply. Limits: Purch. & line limits apply. ADDITIONAL AT&T FEES & GOVT. TAXES: Monthly AT&T fees apply per line & include Consumer (up to $3.49 Administrative/Regulatory Cost Recovery Fee), Business (up to $1.99 Administrative, up to $1.50 Regulatory Cost Recovery & $0.20-$0.45 Property Tax Allotment Fees) & other AT&T fees which are not government-required. Add'l one-time AT&T fees may apply. Govt. taxes are extra. See for more details. Usage, speed, coverage & other restr's apply. International and domestic off-net data may be at 2G speeds. AT&T service is subject to AT&T network management policies. See for details. © 2024 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.

Terms apply: Installment for 36 months, 0% APR, $0 down for qualified customers. Tax due at sale. Wireless service (voice and data) required and is additional.


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$500 Walmart e-gift card offer available November 25, 2024 at 12PM ET with Walmart+ Early Access. Save up to $1,000 in bill credits with eligible trade-in. Offer ends on December 8, 2024 11:59PM local time. Limited quantities. Offer valid on eligible phone with qualifying purchase. Products, carriers, coverage, and colors may vary by store. Additional limitations may apply.

Walmart Gift Card Offer Details: Walmart Gift Offer available for AT&T and Verizon purchases. Requires installment activation of eligible phone on either AT&T or Verizon payment plan. Online Purchase must occur between 12PM ET November 25, 2024 for Walmart+ members, all other customers begin at 3PM ET, through 11:59PM local time December 2, 2024. In-store customers can purchase starting 6AM local time November 25, 2024 through 11:59pm local time December 8, 2024.
How to get up to $1,500 with Samsung Galaxy S24+ and AT&T Trade-in:

Purchase Samsung Galaxy S24+ on installment with activation on qualifying AT&T unlimited plan
Save up to $1,000: bill credits of $27.78/month over 36 months with trade-in of an eligible smartphone valued at $95 or higher for Samsung Galaxy S24+
$500 Walmart eGift Card (does not require trade-in)
How to get up to $1,300 with Apple iPhone 16 Pro or 16 Pro Max and AT&T Trade-in:

Purchase Apple iPhone 16 Pro, Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max, on installment with activation on qualifying AT&T unlimited plan
Save up to $1,000: bill credits of $27.78/month over 36 months with trade-in of eligible smartphone valued at $230 or higher for iPhone 15 Pro or 15 Pro Max.
$300 Walmart eGift Card (does not require trade-in)

List of Qualifying devices and Walmart Gift Card amounts:

Device eGift Card Amount
Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max
Apple iPhone 16 Pro
Apple iPhone 16 Plus
Apple iPhone 16
Apple iPhone 15
Apple iPhone 15 Plus
Apple iPhone 15 Pro
Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max
Samsung Galaxy S24 Plus
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

eGift card is an electronic gift card valid on future purchases. See Gift Card Terms and Conditions or Walmart Associate for eGift card terms. eGift card is sent via email within 24 hours of phone activation for in-store purchases & within 20 days after phone shipment for online purchases.
Carrier Specific Terms & Conditions

Limited time offer.
You'll need to:

Purchase an eligible smartphone on a qualifying installment agreement, including taxes on full retail price (up front) and $35 activation/upgrade fee.
Activate/keep postpaid eligible unlimited voice & data wireless service (min. $75/mo. if new before discounts. Existing customers can add to their current unlimited plan, if eligible, which may be less). AT&T may temporarily slow data speeds if the network is busy.
Trade-in an eligible smartphone in good working condition within 30 days of activation.
Then you'll get:

Up to $1000 in bill credits on iPhone 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max only with smartphone trade-in value of $230 or higher
Up to $700 in bill credits with smartphone trade-in value of $130-$229
Up to $350 in bill credits with smartphone trade-in value of $35 to $129
Important notes:
Discounts: Up to $1000 off on iPhone 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max, and up to $700 off on iPhone 16 and 16 Plus after 36 monthly bill credits.
Purchase Requirements: Eligible smartphone must be purchased and remain on a qualifying 0% APR 36-month installment plan with monthly payments of up to $44.45. $0 down is available for well-qualified customers; others may require a down payment. Other installment options may vary by location. Customers must pay tax on full retail price and an activation/upgrade fee of $35 per line.
Trade-in Requirements: The offer is valid with the trade-in of an eligible smartphone that has a minimum trade-in value of $230 for up to $1000 off iPhone 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max; min $130-$229 for up to $700 off (min. $35 for up to $350 off) iPhone 16 series.
Eligible Plans: The offer requires a postpaid unlimited voice and data plan starting at $75.99/mo. plus taxes and fees before discounts. AT&T may temporarily slow data speeds if the network is busy. See for current unlimited plans. Value Plus, Value Plus VL, and Value Plus Unlimited plans are not eligible.
Offer and requirements subject to change at any time and without notice.
See additional terms

Credits: Credits start within 3 bills and are applied in equal amounts over the installment term. If wireless service is canceled, promo credits will stop, and the remaining balance on the device must be paid. For new lines, must not cancel service on any other line within 90 days or credits may stop. Max discount will not exceed the lower of the device cost or max credit you are eligible for. If customer upgrades or pays up/off the installment agreement early, the credits may stop.
Next Up Anytime: Available with qualifying AT&T Installment plans for additional charge (currently $10/mo). This charge does not apply toward financed device cost balance, is non-refundable. Feature may be canceled at any time resulting in waiver of right to turn in and upgrade during current installment agreement term and promotional credits (if any) on smartphone may be impacted or cancelled. Upgrade eligible after 1 installment and Next Up Anytime payment made and turn-in of qualifying smartphone. Max of 3 upgrades in a 12-month period. Existing Next Up Anytime Customers: To qualify for this offer, must turn-in a qualifying device with minimum 1/3 of existing device balance paid. Must re-add Next Up Anytime on new smartphone. Limits & restr's apply. See for details.

Current trade-in offer may not be available on future iPhone releases. Apple may not release a new iPhone model every year. Next Up Anytime feature may be discontinued at any time.

Eligible Trade-in Devices: To qualify for max credit (based on purchased device), minimum Trade-In value (as defined below) after device condition questions have been answered. Eligible trade-in devices are subject to change at any time and without notice. For terms and to check if your device is eligible, visit

To qualify for $1000 credit off iPhone 16 Pro & 16 Pro Max models, minimum Trade-In value must be $230 or above.
Eligible devices:
Apple iPhone: 13 Pro, 13 Pro Max, 14, 14 Plus, 14 Pro, 14 Pro Max, 15, 15 Plus, 15 Pro, 15 Pro Max
Samsung Galaxy: S23+, S23 Ultra, Z Fold 4, Z Flip5, Z Fold5, S24, S24+, S24 Ultra
Google: Pixel 8 Pro
Other: Moto razr Plus 5G

To qualify for $700 credit, minimum Trade-In value must be $130 or above.
Eligible devices:
Apple iPhone: 12 Pro, 12 Pro Max, 13, 13 Mini, 13 Pro, 13 Pro Max, 14, 14 Plus, 14 Pro, 14 Pro Max, 15, 15 Plus, 15 Pro, 15 Pro Max
Samsung Galaxy: Note20 Ultra, Note20 Ultra 5G, S21 Ultra 5G, S22 5G, S22+ 5G, Z Fold3 5G, S22 Ultra 5G, S23, S23 FE, S23+, S23 Ultra, Z Fold 4, Z Flip5, Z Fold5, S24, S24+, S24 Ultra
Google: Pixel 7, 7a, 7 Pro, 8, 8a, 8 Pro, Fold
Other: OnePlus 11 5G, Moto Razr 2023, Moto razr Plus 5G

To qualify for $350 credit, minimum Trade-In value must be $35 -$129.
Eligible devices:
Apple iPhone: X, XR, XS, XS Max, iPhone SE (2nd Gen), iPhone SE (3rd Gen), 11, 11 Pro, 11 Pro Max, 12 mini, 12
Samsung Galaxy: A23, A23 5G, A53, A54, S10, S10+, S10 5G, S10e, S10 Lite, Note9, Note10, Note10 5G, Note10 Lite, Note10+, Note10+ 5G, Z Flip, Z Flip 5G, S20, S20 5G, S20 FE, S20 FE 5G, S20+, S20+ 5G, S20 Ultra 5G, Note20, Note20 5G, S21 5G, S21+ 5G, S21 FE 5G, Z Flip3 5G, ZFold2 5G, Fold, Fold 5G, M52 5G, Z Flip4
Google: Pixel 4, 4 XL, 4a, 4a 5G, 5, 5a, 6, 6a, 6 Pro
OTHER: OnePlus 7, OnePlus 7 Pro, OnePlus 7 Pro 5G, OnePlus 7T, OnePlus 7T Pro, OnePlus 7T Pro 5G, OnePlus 8 5G, OnePlus 8 Pro, OnePlus 8T, OnePlus 8T+, One Plus 8, OnePlus 9 5G, OnePlus 9 Pro 5G, OnePlus 10 Pro, OnePlus 10T, Moto razr 5G, ZTE Red Magic 3, Asus Rog Phone3, Redmi Note 10 Pro, Moto edge+ 5G UW, Microsoft Surface Duo


Limited time offer.
You'll need to:

Purchase a new eligible smartphone on a qualifying installment plan.
Eligible Purchased Smartphones: Samsung Galaxy S24+ 256GB ($1000), 512GB ($1120), Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 256GB ($1300), 512GB ($1420)
Turn in an eligible Trade-in smartphone w/in 30 days from activation of Purchased smartphone
Trade-in smartphone must meet AT&T Trade-In program requirements.
Eligible Trade-in Smartphones: This is not an early upgrade program. Trade-in device may not be on existing installment plan and trade-in does not relieve obligations under any AT&T installment agreement program or other AT&T Return and Exchange programs. Eligible trade-in devices are subject to change at any time and without notice.

To qualify for max credit of $1000, minimum trade-In value must be $95 or higher after device condition questions have been answered.
Eligible Trade-in devices:
Apple iPhone: XS Max, 11, 11 Pro, 11 Pro Max, iPhone SE (3rd gen), 12, 12 mini, 12 Pro, 12 Pro Max, 13, 13 mini, 13 Pro, 13 Pro Max, 14, 14 Plus, 14 Pro, 14 Pro Max, 15, 15 Plus, 15 Pro, 15 Pro Max
Samsung Galaxy: S20 Ultra 5G, S21 5G, S21 FE 5G, S21+ 5G, S21 Ultra 5G, S22, S22+, S22 Ultra, S23, S23+, S23 Ultra, Note20, Note20 5G, Note20 Ultra, Note20 Ultra 5G, Z Flip3 5G, ZFold2 5G, Z Fold3 5G, Z Flip4, Z Fold4, Flip5, Fold5, S23 FE 5G
Google: Pixel 7, 7 Pro, Fold, 8, 8a, 8 Pro
OTHER: OnePlus 10 Pro, OnePlus 10T, OnePlus 11 5G, Moto Razr 2023, Moto razr Plus 5G

To qualify for max credit $800, minimum trade-In value must be $35 or higher after device condition questions have been answered.
Eligible Trade-in devices:

Apple iPhone: X, XR, XS, iPhone SE (2nd Gen)
Samsung Galaxy: A23, A23 5G, A32, A32 5G, A42 5G, A53, A70, A71, A71 5G, A72, M52 5G, S10, S10+, S10 5G, S10e, S10 Lite, Note9, Note10, Note10 5G, Note 10 Lite, Note10+, Note10+ 5G, Z Flip, Z Flip 5G, S20, S20 5G, S20+, S20+ 5G, S20 FE, S20 FE 5G Z Fold, Z Fold 5G
Google: Pixel 4, 4 XL, 4a, 5, 5a, 6a, 6, 6 Pro
LG: V50 ThinQâ„¢, WINGâ„¢ 5G
OTHER: One Plus 7, OnePlus 7 Pro, OnePlus 7 Pro 5G, OnePlus 7T, OnePlus 7T Pro 5G, OnePlus 8 5G, OnePlus 8 Pro, OnePlus 8T, OnePlus 8T+, One Plus 8, OnePlus 9 5G, OnePlus 9 Pro 5G, Moto Edge, Moto Edge+, Asus Rog Phone 3, ZTE Red Magic 3, Microsoft Surface Duo, Moto razr 5G, Redmi Note 10 Pro, Moto edge+ 5G UW

Must activate phone on qualifying postpaid wireless AT&T unlimited voice and data plan (min. $75.99/mo. if new before discounts. Existing customers can add to their current unlimited plan, if eligible, which may be less.) NOTE: An unlimited plan is NOT required for CRU, FNA, FNS.
Remain active and in good standing on wireless installment agreements for the duration of the installment term.

Additional terms: See for current unlimited plans. Value Plus plan is not eligible. Retired unlimited plans may also qualify (excluding prepaid, session-based, and Data Unlimited at $45/mo. plans). Speed, usage & other restr's apply. For plans available to business customers, see
To qualify for bill credits, wireless line must be on an installment agreement, and remain active & in good standing for 30 days.
Installment agreement starts when device is shipped.
To get all the credits, the discounted device must remain on installment agreement and you must keep eligible service for entire installment term.
If you upgrade or pay up/off the installment agreement on the discounted device early, your credits may cease.
You have 14 days (30 days for FirstNet Agency Paid customers) (30 days for business customers) to exchange or return the smartphone; a restocking fee of up to $55 may apply.
Pricing, promotions, programming, terms & restrictions subject to change & may be modified or terminated at any time without notice. Learn more about the AT&T Trade-in Program by visiting

General Disclaimer

Limited quantities. Products, carriers, coverage, and colors may vary by store. Limit 3 devices per customer. Additional limitations may apply. See Walmart Associate for $0 down and offer details.
Carrier Specific Terms & Conditions
AT&T INSTALLMENT PLAN: Subject to credit approval. Avail. in select locations only. Plans subject to change and may be discontinued at any time. For smartphones only. Tax on sales price due at sale. Credit card may be req'd (except MA, PA, ND). Requires 0% APR 36-month installment agreement and eligible service. Divides sales price (less any down payment) into roughly equal monthly installments. $0 down: Well-qualified customers only. Limit as low as 1 smartphone at $0 down. Down payment: May be required and depends on a variety of factors. Down payment, if required, will be either 15% to 80% of device cost or a dollar amount currently ranging from $200 to $1400 (amount subject to change and may be higher). Examples (amounts approximate): $1099.99 sales price with $0 down is $30.56 per month; with $330 down (30%) is $21.39 per month; or with $600 down is $13.89 per month for 36 months. AT&T Installment Plan with Next Up Anytime: Price includes monthly smartphone installment payment and separate additional $10/month Next Up Anytime upgrade feature charge to be upgrade eligible with turn-in of financed device. Upgrade requires at least one installment and Next Up Anytime payment, account in good standing, turn-in of financed device in good physical and fully functional condition through the AT&T Next Up Anytime early upgrade program (excludes trade in program where you receive an instant credit or AT&T promotion card) and purchase of new eligible smartphone on the AT&T Installment Plan with qualified wireless service. After turn-In, unbilled installments are waived. Next Up Anytime option is $10/ mo., does not apply toward financed device cost balance, is non-refundable and may be canceled at any time resulting in waiver of right to turn in and upgrade during current installment agreement term. Max 3 upgrades with Next Up Anytime in a 12-month period. See and your installment agreement for full details. Service: Eligible postpaid voice and data service is required and extra. Consumers: minimum $50 per month after eligible AutoPay and Paperless billing discount for new customers. Pay $60 per month until discount starts within 2 bills. Existing customers can add to eligible current post-paid plans which may be less. Business customers: minimum $60 per month for new customers on the AT&T Business Unlimited Standard plan after AutoPay and paperless billing discount. Pay $70 per month until discount starts within 2 bills. Other qual. plans avail. & existing customers can add to eligible current plans which may be less. If service cancelled, remaining device cost balance is due. Activation or upgrade fee due at sale or billed: $35. Restocking Fee: Up to $55. Limits: Purchase limit applies. Eligibility, device, line and financing limits & other restr's apply. Promotions, pricing, plan options, products and services, availability, terms & restr's subject to change & may be modified or terminated at any time without notice.

GEN. WIRELESS SVC: Subj. to Consumer Service Agreement
( or for business customers, applicable wireless service agreement. Credit approval req'd. Services not for resale. Deposit: May apply. Limits: Purch. & line limits apply. ADDITIONAL AT&T FEES & GOVT. TAXES: Monthly AT&T fees apply per line & include Consumer (up to $3.49 Administrative/Regulatory Cost Recovery Fee), Business (up to $1.99 Administrative, up to $1.50 Regulatory Cost Recovery & $0.20-$0.45 Property Tax Allotment Fees) & other AT&T fees which are not government-required. Add'l one-time AT&T fees may apply. Govt. taxes are extra. See for more details. Usage, speed, coverage & other restr's apply. International and domestic off-net data may be at 2G speeds. AT&T service is subject to AT&T network management policies. See for details. © 2024 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.

Terms apply: Installment for 36 months, 0% APR, $0 down for qualified customers. Tax due at sale. Wireless service (voice and data) required and is additional.
Nov 21, 2024
612 Posts
Joined Feb 2007

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Nov 21, 2024
128 Posts
Joined Feb 2010
Nov 21, 2024
Nov 21, 2024
128 Posts
Recommend updating the title to say Verizon and AT&T only.
Nov 21, 2024
1,474 Posts
Joined Jan 2010
Nov 21, 2024
Nov 21, 2024
1,474 Posts
You have to buy one of their expensive plans, which sucks.
Nov 21, 2024
835 Posts
Joined Nov 2013
Nov 21, 2024
Nov 21, 2024
835 Posts

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About to say that only ATT and Verizon, No Tmobile. Past experience of buying phones thru Walmart's partner is a pain. Long wait times and don't get what you want when it is our turn.
Nov 21, 2024
707 Posts
Joined Nov 2023
Nov 21, 2024
Nov 21, 2024
707 Posts
I don't see much explanation for Verizon, only AT&T? Are the terms the same? Are the bill credits only applicable over 36 months, meaning you can't get the entire discount up front if you choose to pay off the phone?
Nov 21, 2024
1,474 Posts
Joined Jan 2010
Nov 21, 2024
Nov 21, 2024
1,474 Posts
I just bought the S24+ model for $456 and it's going on Straight talks $45 a month plan. They are owned by Verizon now and reception and speeds have been amazing at all the places we travel to. Plus it's unlimited data and 10gb of Hotspot a month. We were on the cheaper $25 a month plan, but there is no Hotspot data on that one and we started taking care of my brothers kids and they like Hotspot while in our vehicle. On the $25 plan, you still get unlimited data and I was getting 5g in my area. Speeds have been amazing ever since Verizon bought them out.
I like having no contracts and my phone is bought and paid for.
I have the 24 ultra and wife will be using the new 24+

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Nov 21, 2024
1,415 Posts
Joined Nov 2013
Nov 21, 2024
Nov 21, 2024
1,415 Posts
Is it not possible to purchase say the Verizon iPhone 16 in store, activate it on one of their $75 plans, get the $300 gift card (within 24 hours it says) ... and then cancel service (and pay prorated for first month)? You wouldn't get the bill credits but you'd essentially get a new iPhone 16 for $300 off or am I missing something? All Verizon phones are automatically unlocked after 60 days from activation.
Last edited by Fant November 21, 2024 at 03:44 PM.
Nov 21, 2024
1,892 Posts
Joined Aug 2005
Nov 21, 2024
Nov 21, 2024
1,892 Posts
Quote from staticblake :
Recommend updating the title to say Verizon and AT&T only.
