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100 reasons why I love being a parent

24,833 1,948 December 13, 2006 at 10:34 PM in Cool (3)
Reason #1: I snuck upstairs to make sure my kids were warmly tucked in and caught myself - she is absolutely the most beautiful girl in the whole world.

... and I'm sure every father feels the same way.

Here is the *official* list of 100 reason why SDers love being a parent: (list compiled from the responses in this thread)
  1. I snuck upstairs to make sure my kids were warmly tucked in and caught myself - she is absolutely the most beautiful girl in the whole world.
  2. sticky kisses
  3. The sound of their pure laughter.
  4. when they first say i wuv you mommy your heart just melts
  5. Cards and projects my kids make for me at school. My house is plastered with artwork, all priceless gems.
  6. handprints on the windows and walls
  7. Their honesty and matter of factedness.
  8. because they make you feel like you're the most important person in the world
  9. because they make you stop sweating the small who cares if there's french fries or goldfish crackers wedged in between the seats of the car.
  10. a simple kiss fixes any booboos
  11. Because its the simple things they do that make you smile.
  12. Being told "'re my best friend"
  13. Kissing boo boos, and having it actually work. The faith that kids put in that kiss is amazing.
  14. falling asleep in your arms
  15. watching them grow day-by-day ... seeing time fly
  16. Realizing they might have a better memory than you
  17. i get to be someones hero, the ability to comfort after a bad dream
  18. watching them do things u taught them. i.e: tying shoelaces
  19. Having kids gives me a good excuse to buy Lucky Charms and Cocoa Puffs
  20. They teach you to look at the world through a child's eyes again !
  21. hearing them repeat word for word what u said about aunt berthas awful sweater or grammas cooking
  22. tiny lil toes
  23. cartoons!
  24. seeing your 4 year old wake mommy up from an afternon nap " 'cuz shes gunna be noturnal"
  25. Watching them start to figure things out all on their own (my daughter finished a giant piece puzzle tonight all on her own - very little coaching from daddy)
  26. the way they wrap their arms around you and put their head on your shoulders as you carry them up the stairs to get ready for bed.
  27. the reasons they give to keep you in the room after they've been put to bed. (ie "one more story", "sing me another song", "I need another hug", etc etc)
  28. nothing is sexier to me than watching father and son together
  29. watching the same movie over and over and over again with them b/c its their favorite!
  30. Bedtime stories
  31. Always having someone love you unconditionally
  32. Because they make you want to be a better person
  33. bath time fun
  34. Really bad karaoke! Listening to them sing to songs on the radio
  35. no matter how awful u sound, they think ur a good singer
  36. Their growing imagination. How they "make you breakfast" and serve it to you. (via empty plate, open hands, whatever)
  37. arts and crafts and coloring inside the lines and noone cares if you go outta the lines too
  38. Tea parties
  39. The cheesy smile for a camera
  40. when their sick, sleeping in the parents bed makes them feel better
  41. Their complete trust in you.
  42. vaccinations=fun times!!
  43. Potty Training
  44. brushing teeth together
  45. them wanting to help with everything
  46. the smell of baby lotion
  47. the smell of a freshly washed baby
  48. Making babies
  49. playing dress up
  50. watching them take their first steps
  51. Wide-eyed joy they exhibit when they discover something new / do something for the first time
  52. when they wake you up in the morning for a hug
  53. The way they cuddle up next to you when you read them a book or watch a movie together
  54. For having the lil guy jump and pick up stuff that just dropped on the floor when doing projects in the Garage...a nail or screw will slip..."I got that Dada"
  55. Making faces
  56. "Son, go to the beer fridge and get daddy a beer."
  57. The look on my kids faces when they see me and run up to give me a hug
  58. The beaming face when you help them understand a math problem and they realize they already knew how to do it
  59. Finally having someone that loves you unconditionally and I love unconditionally in return
  60. Remembering the day they were born, putting your finger into their small hand and having them instinctively squeeze it
  61. LMAO when they sneeze big long snot streams out their noses...
  62. Answering their simple questions. Lots and lots of questions.
  63. Looking back and missing getting up several times at night to feed the infant
  64. Sitting in your lap, doing anything constructive (art, reading, computer, etc)
  65. Watering the flowers with a garden hose, and them seeing a rainbow thru it for the first time, and their utter amazement at the colors and saying, do it again Mommy, make the rainbow come back......
  66. Watching big sister (23 months old) tell little sister (11 months) to say "You're supposed to tell mommy 'bless you' " after I sneezed.
  67. Watching her say her bedtime prayers from beginning to end all by herself.
  68. Watching her tell her little sister "I love you Court-ney".
  69. Having them enforce the rules around the house. Telling total strangers "No shoes on the white carpet!"
  70. Having a kid with manners - who says please and thank you almost every time without being prompted.
  71. Coming home at the end of the day and having them yell "Daddy!" and run into your arms from across the room
  72. When I put him into bed in his top bunkbed, he grabs my arm in his, looks up at me and says, "I love you Daddy."
  73. Before, I lived for myself. Now, I live for others.
  74. I volunteer as a greeter at my son's school every Monday. When he sees me on his way to the lunchroom (he is a first-grader) he runs out of line to give me the biggest hug ever. He doesn't even care if it's not "cool" to do that; he just loves me.
  75. when the youngest calls me "mommy" even though I am not, and the oldest tells me I am "the best mommy in the whole wide world" and "she knows I am always going to be here for her" those words make me happy they also make me realize why I gave up so much in my life to care for them. (from a future parent)
  76. Listening to them talk to their siblings, stuffed animals, or imaginary friends
  77. because they are your little buddies (good read post #88)
  78. The giggling of an infant
  79. when they come up to you and kiss you or hug you just because and then you hear "I love you Mommy, your the bestest Mommy in the whole world" makes ya feel like a million bucks....they know exactly when you need it too
  80. when they bring you cups of "food and drinks" and expect you to "eat them all down", or take your order like they are a waitress.
  81. Tickaling the begeeesus out of my two boys
  82. So I feel like crap today... really under the weather. Chills, the whole bit. My 3 yr old knows it, and has taken extra steps to be good today. (bless him!) But my favorite thing that's happened today was when he said: "Mama's tummy hurts. Stay right there Mama. I be right back. You need Superman bandaid."
  83. Kids have minds like a steel trap and aren't afraid to say things you've said!
  84. Dressing them up for Halloween
  85. Every day I wait for my 3 year old asks me to be a Horsie and sing ' Daddy be a Horsie' Baby song.
  86. Playing games our two year old comes up with all by herself.
  87. The joys of Christmas!(i.e. turning the Christmas tree on and off approx. 742 times a day, because it never gets old)
  88. The way she cries if you leave for work before giving her a kiss goodbye.
  89. When she insists that we say prayer before meals, even if we're at McDonald's.
  90. when they want your attention but you explain that you're on the they hang it up for you, in the middle of the conversation with your own mother.
  91. when they are older and, knowing that you recently had surgery, open the car door for you and drive in a way to try avoiding any bumps.
  92. God, I love my daughter. This thread made me smile. She is only 5 months old and has managed to change my entire life. I got my doctorate for her. I get up every day just for her. I cannot explain the horrible path I was headed down before I got pregnant.
  93. I love it because of the wonder of childhood! I beat cancer to see my children grow up, nothing will stop me from being mom!
  94. I also wanted to add having two three year olds kiss my boo boo's when I come home from the hospital... Someone above mentioned kids taking care of us when they are older, but they also care for us when they are young. kids rock.
  95. The joy of seeing a sick kid get better & bounding around the house with newfound energy.
  96. All the GREAT memories !
  97. Kids concern for other people. My 4yo daughter asked a Santa Claus character that had stopped by her classroom if had had brought Rudolph, it was foggy outside and she was worried that he might have trouble finding his way home.
  98. They're better than puppies for meeting women Wink
  99. When they freak out screaming "i have ants inside my feet" when all it is is pins & needles (I'm assuming feet falling asleep and not actual pins and/or needles!)
  100. Because at any time of the day or night, you can focus on a happy thought of them and just smile

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Joined Oct 2005
L9: Master
> bubble2 5,427 Posts
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12-14-2006 at 12:23 PM.
12-14-2006 at 12:23 PM.
When she insists that we say prayer before meals, even if we're at McDonald's.
EDIT: (#89, I think)
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Joined Jul 2003
L10: Grand Master
> bubble2 35,348 Posts
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12-14-2006 at 12:50 PM.
12-14-2006 at 12:50 PM.
Quote from JayVee7777 :
The joys of Christmas!

(i.e. turning the Christmas tree on and off approx. 742 times a day, because it never gets old)
I thought I had put a flashing bulb on the that explains it nod
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Joined Dec 2005
> bubble2 2,226 Posts
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12-14-2006 at 05:13 PM.
12-14-2006 at 05:13 PM.
Quote from thegoalie :
Here are ten reasons that I love NOT having kids:

1. Disposable income.

2. No sick kids around the house.

3. House remains clean and orderly.

4. Don't have to drive anyone anywhere.

5. Don't have to censor myself.

6. Don't have to pay 4x as much for extra tickets to hockey games / extra meals at restaurants, etc.

7. Can work all day, go to the gym, come home late and I'm not a deadbeat dad.

8. No one waking me up in the middle of the night or early in the morning.

9. No one talks back to me, ever.

10. My daily driver is a 2 seater sports car!
You know, all those things you mention above will happen to me one day when my kids move out. And that day will be the *saddest* day of my life. Frown
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Joined Dec 2004
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Schooby | Staff
12-14-2006 at 05:17 PM.
12-14-2006 at 05:17 PM.
when they want your attention but you explain that you're on the they hang it up for you, in the middle of the conversation with your own mother.

when they are older and, knowing that you recently had surgery, open the car door for you and drive in a way to try avoiding any bumps.
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Last edited by Schooby | Staff December 14, 2006 at 05:17 PM.
Joined Feb 2006
L8: Grand Teacher
> bubble2 3,199 Posts
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12-14-2006 at 05:21 PM.
12-14-2006 at 05:21 PM.
God, I love my daughter. This thread made me smile. She is only 5 months old and has managed to change my entire life. I got my doctorate for her. I get up every day just for her. I cannot explain the horrible path I was headed down before I got pregnant.

Thank God for kids!!!!
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Joined Jun 2006
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> bubble2 8,366 Posts
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12-14-2006 at 05:22 PM.
12-14-2006 at 05:22 PM.
Title needs to be changed from 100 reasons why I hate being a parent Stick Out Tongue
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Joined Feb 2006
L8: Grand Teacher
> bubble2 3,199 Posts
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12-14-2006 at 05:24 PM.
12-14-2006 at 05:24 PM.
Quote from redspoke :
yes, I agree with you there.

the oldest is always separating me and her BM. She tells everyone, this is my good mommy, the one that takes care of me, loves me and doesn't hurt me.

although i still feel horrible about the situation shes in and wish the BM would take care of her children better, I cannot help but feel a sense of pride there.
You are awesome. I wish every situation with a stepmom (including mine) had someone like you. It may be difficult through the teenage years, but you are making a lasting impact on their lives and they will always love you for that.
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Joined Nov 2006
loving life
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12-14-2006 at 05:47 PM.
12-14-2006 at 05:47 PM.
I cherish every moment of being a SAHM. Its nice reading all the why I love being a parent posts!

I love it because of the wonder of childhood!

I beat cancer to see my children grow up, nothing will stop me from being mom!

edited for spelling.

I also wanted to add having two three year olds kiss my boo boo's when I come home from the hospital... Someone above mentioned kids taking care of us when they are older, but they also care for us when they are young. kids rock.
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Last edited by mrsblack December 14, 2006 at 05:54 PM.
Joined Apr 2006
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> bubble2 4,767 Posts
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12-14-2006 at 05:51 PM.
12-14-2006 at 05:51 PM.
Quote from mrsblack :
I cherish every moment of being a SAHM. Its nice reading all the why I love being a parent posts!

I love it because of the wonder of childhood!

I beat cancer to see my children grow up, nothing will stop me from being mom!

edited for spelling!
Good for you! hug hug
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Joined Nov 2006
loving life
> bubble2 2,704 Posts
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12-14-2006 at 06:00 PM.
12-14-2006 at 06:00 PM.
Quote from Momto2pooches :
Good for you! hug hug


Im going to get teary eyed! I love kids!

thanks Smilie
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Joined Jul 2004
Back from the Abyss
> bubble2 10,035 Posts
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12-14-2006 at 06:07 PM.
12-14-2006 at 06:07 PM.
Quote from thegoalie :
Here are ten reasons that I love NOT having kids:

1. Disposable income.

2. No sick kids around the house.

3. House remains clean and orderly.

4. Don't have to drive anyone anywhere.

5. Don't have to censor myself.

6. Don't have to pay 4x as much for extra tickets to hockey games / extra meals at restaurants, etc.

7. Can work all day, go to the gym, come home late and I'm not a deadbeat dad.

8. No one waking me up in the middle of the night or early in the morning.

9. No one talks back to me, ever.

10. My daily driver is a 2 seater sports car!
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Joined Jul 2003
L10: Grand Master
> bubble2 35,348 Posts
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12-14-2006 at 06:13 PM.
12-14-2006 at 06:13 PM.
Quote from ahnil8er :
Annal, aren't you late for the pub or something..?
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Joined Jul 2004
Back from the Abyss
> bubble2 10,035 Posts
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12-14-2006 at 06:18 PM.
12-14-2006 at 06:18 PM.
Quote from dchavoc :
Annal, aren't you late for the pub or something..?
shake head ive been sober for 3 days woot
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Joined Dec 2004
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Schooby | Staff
12-14-2006 at 06:18 PM.
12-14-2006 at 06:18 PM.
Quote from dchavoc :
Annal, aren't you late for the pube or something..?
EEK! DC and why would you need to know if his came in yet?
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Joined Apr 2006
I Love Cajun Sausage
> bubble2 9,652 Posts
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12-14-2006 at 06:19 PM.
12-14-2006 at 06:19 PM.
laugh out loudlaugh out loud
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