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Forum Thread
Slickest way to dispose of unwanted Best Buy gift cards?
March 17, 2017 at
11:28 AM
I've been fortunate enough to receive some gift cards from work as part of an employee recognition program...but unfortunate in that there aren't good gift card options to choose from.
So I've got $500 in BB gift cards that I don't really want. I know I could just resell via for +/- $430, or try ebay and clear something similar, or wait for a Craigslist buyer that's not a scammer, but there's gotta be something smarter than that.
I think in the good ol' days stores that sold gift cards to other stores would allow you to buy them with gift cards, but that loophole's been closed pretty much everywhere.
So what do you pros do? Is it a matter of waiting for a really good deal at Best Buy that would have local Craigslist resale potential? Are there any legit gift card trading sites out there? Any other ideas?
So I've got $500 in BB gift cards that I don't really want. I know I could just resell via for +/- $430, or try ebay and clear something similar, or wait for a Craigslist buyer that's not a scammer, but there's gotta be something smarter than that.
I think in the good ol' days stores that sold gift cards to other stores would allow you to buy them with gift cards, but that loophole's been closed pretty much everywhere.
So what do you pros do? Is it a matter of waiting for a really good deal at Best Buy that would have local Craigslist resale potential? Are there any legit gift card trading sites out there? Any other ideas?
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good luck figuring out a 1 to 1 transfers I would recommend just getting something you want at a great price via slick deals. just search once in a while for bestbuy. should get ideas. also checking the bestbuy daily deals could work for you.
of your on a prepaid plan buying prepaid cards would work if they are not restricted as gift cards. they should not be but I know target won't let you use a gift card to buy them.
check your local stores. I have been to a few that still sell them just fine.