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Forum Thread

Slickdeals Experts Program

69,036 136,314 August 4, 2021 at 04:02 PM

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0 Deal Score
Hi Slickdealers!

A few months ago, we launched our Experts program to recognize contributors and helpful members within the community. It is still currently in Beta and we have been working to optimize the program before we invite more people. The goal of our Experts program is to create more ways in which we recognize helpful members and celebrate their achievements.

We will continue to work with the Experts to improve the program in order to better recognize/show appreciation for contributions, make Slickdeals more welcoming/encouraging towards newer members and promote more ways to teach and become helpful within the community.

As the program progresses, we hope to see our category experts take on a leadership role within the community while earning rewards and swag and potentially even be invited to special events at Slickdeals HQ.

You might have lots of questions about this program, so we went ahead and created an FAQ section for some common questions we think may be asked.

Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is an Expert?
An expert is a member who has been identified as a clear standout in the community. They are helpful and valued members who we have recognized for their knowledge and expertise in a particular area.

2. How do I know if someone is an Expert?
On the deal details page, experts can be identified if they have the blue Expert badge next to their avatar/username. If you click on the badge, you can see which category they are an expert in.

Here is what the badge looks like:

3. How are Experts selected?
We looked at a variety of data points and metrics to select the first set of experts, including, but not limited to, deals posted, helpful comments, votes, and questions answered. We also made sure the Expert was an overall positive member in the community.

4. How many people have the Experts badge?
Currently, there are 100 experts in the Beta program.

5. What are the perks for being an Expert?
Besides bragging rights and a shiny Expert badge next to your avatar, you will gain access to a private Experts-only forum where you have a direct line of communication to provide feedback to Slickdeals staff members and connect with other experts. You will have access to any new tools that we develop to improve your overall experience as well as an inside look into data that you might be interested in. Additionally, you will be eligible to win prizes and obtain swag. There are a few additional perks in the works!

6. I have what it takes to become an Expert. How do I become one?
We are currently still in a Beta/MVP phase and are working with experts who are already in the program to improve it before we accept applications. Once we are ready, we will make an announcement in the forums.

What do you think about this program? Let us know in the comments below!
About the OP
@yuugotservedSD Joined Nov 2007 The Insider
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