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RETIRED: Mal and Friends' *Official* Chat Thread: Time to shop for Secret Santa!!

19,389 2,134 October 25, 2010 at 02:55 PM
November 7, 2010, 3:13 am: System Notice: This thread content has been automatically archived from another thread which reached post limit, and will be preserved for reference and archival purposes. The discussion should continue in the original thread

The title says it all! Whee

October 26, 2010, 3:13 am: System Notice: This thread has been automatically renewed after reaching a post limit. Most of its content has been moved to this thread for reference purposes.
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Western Spiral Arm Joined Mar 2009 Schrödinger's Frog
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10-25-2010 at 02:58 PM.
10-25-2010 at 02:58 PM.
Quote from Princess Crunch :
DD came home sick from school. She said her ear hurts. I will be taking her to the doc again in the morning.
Oh no! Comfort
Joined Oct 2006
Freak On A Leash
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Princess Crunch
10-25-2010 at 03:01 PM.
10-25-2010 at 03:01 PM.
I think it is another ear infection. I'm worried they are going to put tubes in them. This is her second ear infection in the past few months.
Joined Jan 2008
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10-25-2010 at 04:57 PM.
10-25-2010 at 04:57 PM.
Quote from PaintTheSkyGrey :
Hi, nessypants.

Imagine a very upscale hooters. Where the waitresses wear skimpy shirts and high-cut "kilts".

Okay, why does that girl on the end have a tattoo of Medusa on her hip????
Joined Jun 2007
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10-25-2010 at 05:10 PM.
10-25-2010 at 05:10 PM.
Quote from RefCache :
Okay, why does that girl on the end have a tattoo of Medusa on her hip????
You're back!!!! How is your Grandson? I hope much better hug
Joined Jan 2008
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10-25-2010 at 05:13 PM.
10-25-2010 at 05:13 PM.
Quote from Moot-N-Me :
Awwww Ref I am so sorry to hear about your little guy. Will he be able to come home soon??? I will pray for him....he has a wonderful Grandfather! You make sure you get rest too hug
Quote from Princess Crunch :
Aww, Ref. Comfort

I hope he gets better soon!

I can't copy and I can't update the other threads.

I'm praying he has a quick recovery! hug
Quote from delicious :
cross posted to the jenni and wiles' threads, ref

good morning!
Quote from Maleficent :
Glad to hear he'll be okay Ref! Hug2
Y'all really are just some sweet people! moar heart for monkey here too!!!

I posted an update that I'll just copy and paste below here because I'm so old and lazy and old and senile and old!!

Quote from RefCache :
It's not four days! It's just two!!!!

He's doing well! He was a LOT better once he got released Saturday to go home, but he was still very clingy and a little frightened. Also his parents had a function they were supposed to attend Sunday, so I volunteered to stay over Saturday night and keep him company all day Sunday.

His cast is like really blue, so I call it his "big blue boo boo".

He slept a LOT Saturday after all that trauma Friday night. I think he was only awake for five or six hours total. When Sunday rolled around he seemed fine, and even tried to play some video games even though he kept complaining about how the cast was getting in the way of him holding the controller.

He decided he was okay enough to go to school today, so after I dropped him off I spent the rest of the day getting all the shit done I was supposed to do Saturday and Sunday!

But all of that could gladly wait to be honest! I love that little guy, and he needed me. There will be a time very soon when I doubt I'll be able to say that's true anymore so I'll be getting all of it I can over these next few years!!!
Quote from Maleficent :
Oh yeah, nothing says "class" like girls in skimpy outfits. Rofl2
You probably wear one of those get-ups to class!

That's how you get good grades without opening books!!!

Well, lemme warn you, that probably won't work in my class!!!
Last edited by RefCache October 25, 2010 at 05:15 PM.
Joined Jan 2008
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10-25-2010 at 05:44 PM.
10-25-2010 at 05:44 PM.
Quote from infesttragedy :

Moving every year is really starting to make me lose my "give a damn"

Usually I hate the way DH packs (a roll of toilet paper, a fork, the remote, a couple of shirts, kids toys, etc. all in the same box Confused) This time around though, I may do the same laugh out loud
Have a fire instead!!!

Quote from PaintTheSkyGrey :
I'm not generally a "stare at scantily-clad chicks" kinda guy. Harhar

Quote from UTR :
PTSG where are you from
Quote from PaintTheSkyGrey :
Atlanta, why?
Quote from UTR :
I don't know why, I just like knowing where people live. (not creepy)
Quote from PaintTheSkyGrey :


UTR is so not creepy-scary Paint!!! She's just inquisitive.

Like I am, except moar attractive and stuff.
Last edited by RefCache October 25, 2010 at 05:46 PM.
Joined Jan 2008
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10-25-2010 at 05:48 PM.
10-25-2010 at 05:48 PM.
Quote from VorlonFrog :
In other news that RefCache could have already told you:

70-year-olds smarter than they used to be []

Farking senility!!

Quote from notintended :
Moot have you ever heard of anyone having unbearable joint pain from the chemo?
My dad says his hip hurts so bad he can't walk....he said he stayed in the recliner for 12 hours yesterday and only got up once...that means he's in A LOT of pain.
Different chemotherapies can have all sorts of strange/weird side effects!!!

Quote from Moot-N-Me :
Let me know. I was just reading through those types of Chemo's listed and if he had one of those it could very well be it. Seems it would be temporary which is a plus. Can he take Motrin? If he can, a dose of 800 mg every 8 hours should get rid of that painful immflamation for now. Awesome that he will see the Dr. tomorrow. Hope he feels better ASAPnod
Excellent Mootsy advice!!!
Last edited by RefCache October 25, 2010 at 05:49 PM.

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Joined Jan 2008
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10-25-2010 at 05:51 PM.
10-25-2010 at 05:51 PM.
Quote from Titansfan1234 :
Well no one jump to ask about my weekend!
Was your weekend as whiny as this post??? Probably not I bet!!! Bleh

Quote from Frogstar :
But I promise not to stab anyone that doesn't deserve it Down
Stabbings will continue until morale improves???
Last edited by RefCache October 25, 2010 at 05:52 PM.
Joined Jan 2008
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10-25-2010 at 05:58 PM.
10-25-2010 at 05:58 PM.
Quote from ForeverDcember :
They just opened one of those here where the Bennegians used to be.

Yes. I believe my Aunt had it. I have heard of all kinds of mess with Chemo. Sometimes I think it is better without it.
Quote from notintended :
So it's better to let them die than to try and treat it with a few side effects? I don't get that at all Dontknow
I have some personal experience with this, so I thought I'd chime in!! To answer the question NI asks, the answer is sometimes yes I think. At least that's my opinion.

It really depends on so many factors, including the type of cancer/disease, the survivor rates, the type of chemotherapy/treatments involved, the severity of the side effects, the overall existing current health of the patient, etc. A lot of factors - not just the ones I listed.

Sometimes, the treatment can really be worse than the disease it's attempting to cure. For many years, I never believed the validity of that statement.

Ultimately, I think the decision should always been left to the patient, and there are times when attempting treatment is the less favorable road to travel than living with - and in the end, dying from - the disease. I don't think that's something a person can understand until they've watched another human being wither away from both treatment AND disease. It's a different experience in both respects.

It's not the right decision every time. But sometimes, it is. And it is always the right decision if that's what the patient decides she/he wants.
Joined Jan 2008
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10-25-2010 at 06:00 PM.
10-25-2010 at 06:00 PM.
Quote from Titansfan1234 :
I have horrible body odor!!
It's probably not as bad as you think!!!

Quote from ForeverDcember :
Well not all people just outright die of cancer. Also, from what I have been told from chemo patients, they would rather live a shorter time feeling okay or better than live a longer time feeling like they do with chemo. My Aunt stopped chemo after, I believe, the third or fourth round. She just didn't want to live like that. One day we will look back on chemotherapy and shake our heads at how barbaric it was of a treatment.
Yep on all points! It can be that way sometimes!!!

Unfortunately as humans we have to often decide things without knowing what the outcome might be. But the possible outcome - or rather the manner in which it might unfold - is worth noting and considering when making decisions and offering advice to family members/friends.
Last edited by RefCache October 25, 2010 at 06:02 PM.
Joined Jul 2009
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10-25-2010 at 06:03 PM.
10-25-2010 at 06:03 PM.
Quote from RefCache :
I have some personal experience with this, so I thought I'd chime in!! To answer the question NI asks, the answer is sometimes yes I think. At least that's my opinion.

It really depends on so many factors, including the type of cancer/disease, the survivor rates, the type of chemotherapy/treatments involved, the severity of the side effects, the overall existing current health of the patient, etc. A lot of factors - not just the ones I listed.

Sometimes, the treatment can really be worse than the disease it's attempting to cure. For many years, I never believed the validity of that statement.

Ultimately, I think the decision should always been left to the patient, and there are times when attempting treatment is the less favorable road to travel than living with - and in the end, dying from - the disease. I don't think that's something a person can understand until they've watched another human being wither away from both treatment AND disease. It's a different experience in both respects.

It's not the right decision every time. But sometimes, it is. And it is always the right decision if that's what the patient decides she/he wants.

That's really all I'm going to say on the matter.
Joined Jan 2008
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10-25-2010 at 06:06 PM.
10-25-2010 at 06:06 PM.
Quote from notintended :
It's medicine. All medicine has side effects. He knows that and is dealing with it.

One day we'll look back and say how horrendous a lot of things we're doing now are, just like we do about things from 50-100 years ago. It's how progression works.
Quote from ForeverDcember :
Of course, but chemo just has side effects that are worse than a lot of meds.
What FD said.

This is not an uncommon conversation! In fact, it's often the same information medical professionals offer as advice - especially from the nurses. They see this kind of thing day in and day out, and know that sometimes treatment isn't the absolutely certainty of choices the doctors make it out to be.

It's counterintuitive. And also not the correct decision in every case! But sometimes it is.

Quote from nessykins :
Is that like some Twilight shit?

Quote from beanqueen :
Yeaaaaaaaa...I don't have a warning anymore.

<-----*is enjoying looking at this without the big red warning*


I still see some for me!!! Whee

I remember what you got warned for too, you naughty girl!!!
Last edited by RefCache October 25, 2010 at 06:08 PM.
Joined Jan 2008
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10-25-2010 at 06:09 PM.
10-25-2010 at 06:09 PM.
Quote from Frogstar :
Someone should take a screenshot of that so I know what it looks like.
I would but that's probably an offense I could be banned over!!!

Quote from nessykins :
Hola Infestina!

Can you post the secret santa questionnaire?
Quote from infesttragedy :
Helloooooooooo Nessy!

I'll post it soon here Whee
I've been meaning to post in that thread!!!

Quote from PaintTheSkyGrey :

I want to be a Woot Monkey for halloween all of a sudden!
Flying or screaming?
Last edited by RefCache October 25, 2010 at 06:10 PM.
Joined Jan 2008
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10-25-2010 at 06:11 PM.
10-25-2010 at 06:11 PM.
Quote from nessykins :
My hubby asked me to smell his hand. He said it smelled weird. I refused at first but then I smelled it. I said it smells nasty. He said he had been touching his butt. EEK!
I think I really like your husband except for when he's a bit of a bastard!!
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