Amazon has
Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It (Kindle eBook) on sale for
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sargasm for finding this deal.
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About this Title:- Author: Chris Voss
- Page Length: 285 pages
- "A field-tested, game-changing approach to high-stakes negotiations - whether in the boardroom or at home.
- Never Split the Difference is a riveting, indispensable handbook of negotiation principles culled and perfected from Chris Voss's remarkable career as a hostage negotiator and later as an award-winning teacher in the world's most prestigious business schools. From policing the rough streets of Kansas City, Missouri, to becoming the FBI's lead international kidnapping negotiator to teaching negotiation at leading universities, Voss has tested these techniques across the full spectrum of human endeavor and proved their effectiveness."
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Adding some info for those unfamiliar with https://www.hoopladigit
You should be able to get a free library card from your local library. Not all libraries provide Hoopla access so you may need to search around for another library that works. For example, I live in Sacramento and my local library did not have Hoopla at the time I discovered it. I found that the Berkeley Public Library did have Hoopla and only required proof of California residency to get their card. Many more libraries now provide Hoopla access so you may want to push your library to get it if not already available. I hope that helps and good luck!
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Adding some info for those unfamiliar with https://www.hoopladigit
You should be able to get a free library card from your local library. Not all libraries provide Hoopla access so you may need to search around for another library that works. For example, I live in Sacramento and my local library did not have Hoopla at the time I discovered it. I found that the Berkeley Public Library did have Hoopla and only required proof of California residency to get their card. Many more libraries now provide Hoopla access so you may want to push your library to get it if not already available. I hope that helps and good luck!