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  • 15-Piece Worx 4V 3-Speed 1/4" Cordless Electric Screwdriver Set w/ Storage Box $23.50 + Free Shipping
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expired Posted by idk_then | Staff • Nov 21, 2024
expired Posted by idk_then | Staff • Nov 21, 2024

15-Piece Worx 4V 3-Speed 1/4" Cordless Electric Screwdriver Set w/ Storage Box

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Update: This popular deal is still available

Best Buy has 15-Piece Worx 4V 3-Speed 1/4" Cordless Electric Screwdriver Set w/ Storage Box (WX240L) for $23.49. Shipping is free for My Best Buy Members (free to join).

Thanks to Deal Hunter idk_then for finding this deal.

Editor's Notes

Written by megakimcheelove | Staff
No Longer Available:
  • Amazon has 15-Piece Worx 4V 3-Speed 1/4" Cordless Electric Screwdriver Set w/ Storage Box (WX240L) for $23.49Shipping is free w/ Prime or on $35+.

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Written by idk_then | Staff
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Update: This popular deal is still available

Best Buy has 15-Piece Worx 4V 3-Speed 1/4" Cordless Electric Screwdriver Set w/ Storage Box (WX240L) for $23.49. Shipping is free for My Best Buy Members (free to join).

Thanks to Deal Hunter idk_then for finding this deal.

Editor's Notes

Written by megakimcheelove | Staff
No Longer Available:
  • Amazon has 15-Piece Worx 4V 3-Speed 1/4" Cordless Electric Screwdriver Set w/ Storage Box (WX240L) for $23.49Shipping is free w/ Prime or on $35+.

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Written by idk_then | Staff

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Model: 3-Speed 4V Screwdriver

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Yes, the WX242 from Ali has a 2ah battery just like the Denali (the OP WX240 only has 1.5ah, which is why it did worse on the Torque Test youtube video). The adjustable clutch on the WX242 lets you set it at level 1 (0.15 nm = 1.3 in-lb) for precision work (e.g., it won't strip laptop case screws or screws into RC car plastic) or set it at the higher torque level 7 for 5 nm (44 in-lb) for tougher jobs (or several settings in between). The OP Worx 240's lowest setting is 22 in-lb (2.5 nm), which still might be too much for some small screws, especially into plastic. The WX240 is also 5 nm max but has a smaller battery and lower RPM than the WX242. The torque test guy never tried the WX242. There are some foreign youtube reviewers who talk about the WX242 in great detail (yay for auto translate captions). It's a nice upgrade vs. the WX240 and Denali. Sure, it's like 50% more, but it's only $10 more. WX242 gets you better ring light, higher RPM (320), lots of bits (even precision ones), a nice 2ah battery, a better bit holder in the end than just a magnet (this prevents the bit from falling out if you just inserted a grippy screw), a "brake" that stops the spinning faster than the WX240 that keeps moving when you release the button. It also has a physical off switch so the in/out buttons won't accidently drain the battery pressed against some other tool in a bag. The three lights work as a battery indicator instead of a torque level meter as on the 240. There's no way to know remaining charge on the 240 until it's running low. Lots of nice little features for a little extra cost and little extra weight. Get the WX242 from Ali. If it's $32 or so, that's as cheap as it gets (unless you are a new Ali customer with a "welcome deal" making it $29 or something). Lots of fake/cheese/bait listings have both the 240 and 242, so make sure you aren't tricked. The link I shared is a good seller. Ships it in a bubble bag. No price tricks with the other model in the listing.
Fantikk has torque settings which I think is well worth the extra money.


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Nov 22, 2024
1,471 Posts
Joined Sep 2014
Nov 22, 2024
Nov 22, 2024
1,471 Posts
Quote from copyright :
Lowest price I found shipped is $33. Am I missing something?
Superior WX242 $33.21 today:
Coupon code $3 off $19 USBF03
Use Ali coins nonsense for extra ~30 cents off.
Sales tax goes back to $32 or whatever depending on your state.
Should arrive in USA in 8-10 days.
Nov 22, 2024
1 Posts
Joined Nov 2012
Nov 22, 2024
Nov 22, 2024
1 Posts
Quote from HelloClemFandango :
I prefer Sonic Screwdrivers
Nov 22, 2024
1,326 Posts
Joined Jun 2021
Nov 22, 2024
Nov 22, 2024
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Quote from SlickDit :
that part (usually sequentially numbered) before the bit holder on drills that you can adjust to change the point at which the drill stops fighting torque resistance. Like, you put it on one and it'll just click instead of driving a screw, or you put it on 10 and it strips the screw because it drove it too hard. Or you put it on 5 and it drives the screw in until it reaches whatever 5 equates to and doesn't f up the plastic or wood or screw.
Oh man. This is the reason I love SDs. Thank you. So the one in AlieExpress has this function? Any link to it yet?
Nov 22, 2024
355 Posts
Joined Apr 2013
Nov 22, 2024
Nov 22, 2024
355 Posts
Quote from bootymonger :
Superior WX242 $33.21 today:
Coupon code $3 off $19 USBF03
Use Ali coins nonsense for extra ~30 cents off.
Sales tax goes back to $32 or whatever depending on your state.
Should arrive in USA in 8-10 days.
Does this have similar power to the Amazon Denali?
Nov 23, 2024
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Joined Sep 2014
Nov 23, 2024
Nov 23, 2024
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Our community has rated this post as helpful. If you agree, why not thank bootymonger

Quote from almightyarts :
Does this have similar power to the Amazon Denali?
Yes, the WX242 from Ali has a 2ah battery just like the Denali (the OP WX240 only has 1.5ah, which is why it did worse on the Torque Test youtube video). The adjustable clutch on the WX242 lets you set it at level 1 (0.15 nm = 1.3 in-lb) for precision work (e.g., it won't strip laptop case screws or screws into RC car plastic) or set it at the higher torque level 7 for 5 nm (44 in-lb) for tougher jobs (or several settings in between). The OP Worx 240's lowest setting is 22 in-lb (2.5 nm), which still might be too much for some small screws, especially into plastic. The WX240 is also 5 nm max but has a smaller battery and lower RPM than the WX242. The torque test guy never tried the WX242. There are some foreign youtube reviewers who talk about the WX242 in great detail (yay for auto translate captions). It's a nice upgrade vs. the WX240 and Denali. Sure, it's like 50% more, but it's only $10 more. WX242 gets you better ring light, higher RPM (320), lots of bits (even precision ones), a nice 2ah battery, a better bit holder in the end than just a magnet (this prevents the bit from falling out if you just inserted a grippy screw), a "brake" that stops the spinning faster than the WX240 that keeps moving when you release the button. It also has a physical off switch so the in/out buttons won't accidently drain the battery pressed against some other tool in a bag. The three lights work as a battery indicator instead of a torque level meter as on the 240. There's no way to know remaining charge on the 240 until it's running low. Lots of nice little features for a little extra cost and little extra weight. Get the WX242 from Ali. If it's $32 or so, that's as cheap as it gets (unless you are a new Ali customer with a "welcome deal" making it $29 or something). Lots of fake/cheese/bait listings have both the 240 and 242, so make sure you aren't tricked. The link I shared is a good seller. Ships it in a bubble bag. No price tricks with the other model in the listing.
Last edited by bootymonger November 22, 2024 at 08:37 PM.
Nov 23, 2024
355 Posts
Joined Apr 2013
Nov 23, 2024
Nov 23, 2024
355 Posts
Quote from bootymonger :
Yes, the WX242 from Ali has a 2ah battery just like the Denali (the OP WX240 only has 1.5ah, which is why it did worse on the Torque Test youtube video). The adjustable clutch on the WX242 lets you set it at level 1 (0.15 nm = 1.3 in-lb) for precision work (e.g., it won't strip laptop case screws or screws into RC car plastic) or set it at the higher torque level 7 for 5 nm (44 in-lb) for tougher jobs (or several settings in between). The OP Worx 240's lowest setting is 22 in-lb (2.5 nm), which still might be too much for some small screws, especially into plastic. The WX240 is also 5 nm max but has a smaller battery and lower RPM than the WX242. The torque test guy never tried the WX242. There are some foreign youtube reviewers who talk about the WX242 in great detail (yay for auto translate captions). It's a nice upgrade vs. the WX240 and Denali. Sure, it's like 50% more, but it's only $10 more. WX242 gets you better ring light, higher RPM (320), lots of bits (even precision ones), a nice 2ah battery, a better bit holder in the end than just a magnet (this prevents the bit from falling out if you just inserted a grippy screw), a "brake" that stops the spinning faster than the WX240 that keeps moving when you release the button. It also has a physical off switch so the in/out buttons won't accidently drain the battery pressed against some other tool in a bag. The three lights work as a battery indicator instead of a torque level meter as on the 240. There's no way to know remaining charge on the 240 until it's running low. Lots of nice little features for a little extra cost and little extra weight. Get the WX242 from Ali. If it's $32 or so, that's as cheap as it gets (unless you are a new Ali customer with a "welcome deal" making it $29 or something). Lots of fake/cheese/bait listings have both the 240 and 242, so make sure you aren't tricked. The link I shared is a good seller. Ships it in a bubble bag. No price tricks with the other model in the listing.
Appreciate the very thorough response, just ordered the WX242 off Ali for just under $33 shipped. Thank you!

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Nov 24, 2024
363 Posts