popular Posted by egoods • Nov 22, 2023
Nov 22, 2023 12:52 AM
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Item 1 of 3
popular Posted by egoods • Nov 22, 2023
Nov 22, 2023 12:52 AM
Dewalt 4 ft. Tall 3 Shelf Steel Wire Deck Storage Rack DXST4500-W $158.69
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That aside, these are very high quality however. I have something similar from Gladiator (owned by Whirlpool) and the Mastercraft ones (Menard's private label) and the fit-finish on these are vastly superior to the Gladiator and Mastercraft. The DeWalt just goes into place super smoothly, whereas the other 2 brands - you have to bang them into place with a mallet to get the pieces to interlock. The rack is also coated with a smooth black paint so boxes slide in/out super easily. The racks from other brands aren't painted - so there's lots of friction when you move stuff around on the rack.
Our community has rated this post as helpful. If you agree, why not thank I_slayed_Harambe
EDIT: Its zip code dependent it seems. I am at 77801.
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Just bought 2 and it was a bit over $250.
Just bought 2 and it was a bit over $250.
Our community has rated this post as helpful. If you agree, why not thank SharpScene9668
Anti Dumping laws are the cause. It will only get worse. The law has been expanded to include multiple other countries including India, Cambodia, Taiwan, etc. This is affecting all welded racks. The company who manufactures Husky racks is the one lobbying for these changes. I believe they only assemble in U.S. Every major retailer excluding Home Depot is scrambling to find a new manufacturer to avoid a 75-100% price increase. This includes the Whalen racks at Costco.